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Bridge history[edit]

Here's a little Bridge history courtesy of Tolkyria on the On Wiki of Gold project (Set 467):

> "The link from Etheron Hills to Bridge hasn't been updated due to the Red Alpine Borderlands currently not being available. If one watches early WvW siege deployment videos (~2012) for hills, one can see that the two bridges in the south from the hill are targetable. But I can't remember when this got removed. It got updated in 2016 (where with HoT, 2015, the Red Alpine Borderland wasn't available -> Etheron Hill), check Askalion Hills, but my guess is that it must have been before 2014. Nevertheless the right spawn towers in the alpine borderlands had a destroyable bridge until early 2018 (or late 2017), where the whole bride got removed (due to gliding from hill to the tower?). Compare Greenlake, Bluelake map at the northeast side and ingame. So yes, there are currently no destroyable or targetable bridges in classic WvW, only in EotM."

-- Dashface User Dashface.png 13:28, 4 July 2018 (UTC)