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Scrap Rifles

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Scrap Rifles

Flamethrower Crate.jpg

(Tangled Depths)

Interacting with the Scrap Rifles in SCAR Lane allows one to join the Scrap Rifle Field Test adventure.


Heart of Maguuma


The note begins, "Could whichever one of you makes it back to camp first field test these makeshift rifles I built from salvaged scrap metal?"
Talk more option tango.png Continue reading.
"Try 'em out on the bugs in the nearby nest. Give yourself a point for each bug you take down. Here's a tip: shooting their eggs at close range will cool your rifle while healing you."
Talk more option tango.png Continue reading.
"Kill as many of the bugs as you can, while you can. Keep an eye on how hot your rifle gets. If your rifle overheats, ditch it and get yourself to a safe distance."—Terrill
Talk combat option tango.png Lock and load. It's exterminating time.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not ready to be sent on a bug hunt.
(If the adventure isn't available)
Talk end option tango.png This adventure is unavailable until Terrill has tested his other weaponry.