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Ley-Line Extractor Manual

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Ley-Line Extractor Manual

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Ley-Line Extractor Manual is an object that can be found by the Gate Research Lab in Rata Novus Promenade.


Horn of Maguuma


Ley-Line Extractor Manual

With the new techniques developed by Zinn, however, the days of extracting chak energy by getting elbow deep in a chitinous corpse are long gone! The new extractors are easy, safe, and painless to use. They're even mostly painless for the chak themselves!

Once the chak have gathered enough ley-line energy, simply place the collectors near them and activate. The patent-pending gradient-differential system pulls the concentrated ley-line energy out from their bodies and stories it in convenient batteries. The creatures can then be allowed to return to their burrows to gather up more while you use their energy to power anything you can dream of!