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Engineer's Notes

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Engineer's Notes

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Engineer's Notes is an object that can be found atop a building situated south of the Naga Encampment in Jade Mech Habitation Zone 03.


Horn of Maguuma


Engineer's Notes

I brought my concerns to Chief Engineer Min-Ji today. I just couldn't bear the weight of it anymore—the risk of what we're undertaking. She listened patiently, saying nothing, and then listed off all the standard arguments in favor that we've all heard a thousand times. This made me angry, like my words were just bouncing off her. Like nothing could actually get through.

But I saw something in her face that I've never seen before, a look of... I don't know for sure, but I think it was fear. Fear of the unknown that we're charging into; fear of the fact that it's too late to stop it.

And then she said something right before I left: "The future will decide if we were right." But there was no comfort in it. Just resignation, like she already knows what they will say. As though she's offering her defense, all while lowering her head for the axe.