Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Defeat the terrified villager

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Defeat the terrified villager

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the terrified villager is a level 20 dynamic event that occurs in Wizard's Fief around Garenhoff. It is started by talking to a random Terrified Villager around the town. The event is a required part of the Commander without a Cause story step.


  • Terrified Villager
  • Event bar.jpg


[verification requested]




Terrified Village: G-gods... The screaming...
Terrified Village: My head... Who said that?
Terrified Village: Don't touch me! Don't touch me.
Terrified Village: I'm getting so tired...and cold... How much...longer to the lodge? My feet...
Terrified Village: happening to...?
Terrified Village: (groans)
Terrified Village: Just end it! Do it already!