User:Dagger/Widget drafts/API recipe unlocks.js

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$(function() {
  if (!window.API || $(".api-unlockedon").length == 0) return;

  $.when(API.fetch("characters")).then(function(data) {
    $(".api-unlockedon").each(function() {
     var recipeIds = this.getAttribute("data-recipeid").split(",").map(function(id) { return parseInt(id); });
      if (recipeIds.some(isNaN)) { return; }

      // If they were specified, parse out the recipe's disciplines.
      var recipeJobs = this.getAttribute("data-disciplines") || [];
      if (recipeJobs.length)
        recipeJobs = recipeJobs.replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase().split(/,/);

      // Construct a list of characters with this recipe unlocked.
      var characters = [];
      recipeIds.forEach(function(recipeId) {
        data.forEach(function(char) {
          if ( == -1) return;

          // Mark whether the character has the discipline active. This only works when there's only
          // one recipeId (because otherwise we'd need some way to specify the crafting discipline
          // for each recipeId -- or look it up on the API, but that's even more queries to do.).
          var hasActive = true;
          if (recipeIds.length == 1 && recipeJobs.length)
            hasActive = recipeJobs.some(function(job) {
              return char.activeCrafting.indexOf(job) != -1;
          // Add this character to the list, but only if they're not already in it.
          if (!characters.some(function(charEntry) { return == }))
            characters.push({name:, age: char.age, active: hasActive, });

      // Add the list to the page.
      if (characters.length) {
        var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        // Sort chars that have the crafting profession active to the top.
        characters.sort(function(a, b) {
          return - || b.age - a.age;
        }).forEach(function(character) {
          $("<span/>", {
            class: ? "api-craftingactive" : "api-craftinginactive",
      } else {
        $(this).html("<i>No characters</i>");
  }, function onFail(f) {
    $(".api-unlockedon").html("<i>API Error</i>").attr("title", JSON.stringify(f));
    API.log("Error:", f);