Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content


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Not much is known about Isgarren. He keeps to his castle, and is rarely ever seen or heard. What is known, is that he has a kind gracious heart, and he cares for and loves the people of this town.


Isgarren the Curator is an enigmatic wizard who resides in, and is the current owner of,[1] the floating castle of Wizard's Tower in Kessex Hills according to the townsfolk of Garenhoff.

He is eventually revealed to be the last known survivor of the Seers as well as the founder of the secretive Wizard's Court and patron of the Astral Ward who has safeguarded the world of Tyria against various threats from the Mists with help from the World Spire in Amnytas. Isgarren and Midnight King Eparch of the Kryptis have a centuries-spanning rivalry that has led to conflict between their respective forces.


Early years[edit]

Isgarren claims to have had many names and shapes over his millennia-spanning existence, and those who know him from ages past even refer to him as "Your Highness," suggesting a royal origin of some sort although he prefers not to use such titles on Tyria.[2] He was once a member of the Seer horde, or fhogos, and assisted them in their alliance with the elder races of Tyria against the ravenous Elder Dragons in the previous dragonrise millennia ago. However, just before the Seers were to aid the mursaat in the attack against the Elder Dragon Zhaitan, the Seer doyen Sidony suddenly decided against Seer involvement in the battle and left the mursaat and the Forgotten to fend for themselves while the Seers focused on the creation of the Shadowstone and the Bloodstone instead. Isgarren felt sorry for the mursaat, but Sidony stopped him from interfering before he could lend them aid.[3] He eventually left the Seers to pursue his own interests. The mursaat, who had suffered many losses alongside the Forgotten in the battle, never forgave the Seers for this perceived act of betrayal, leading to a bloody conflict between the two races millennia later in which the mursaat exterminated most Seers, including Sidony, from Tyria despite their numbers being fewer compared to the Seers.[4]

It is unclear if the Beacon of Ages and other beacons scattered throughout Tyria predated Isgarren and he discovered and claimed them for his use, or if he created the beacons himself.[5] Either way, at some point he was inspired to found the Wizard's Court to study magic and safeguard Tyria from threats from the Mists, and he extended his influence by having the wizards be assisted by what became known as the Astral Ward and the Rift Hunters. His first recruit to the court was the mursaat Mabon whom he had been fighting during the mursaat-Seer conflict but whom he had later befriended when Mabon had professed a desire to end bloodshed as he was ashamed of his people's actions.[3][6] Later the djinn Akeem, the Forgotten Vass, and the kodan Waiting Sorrow joined as well, and Isgarren and Vass grew close over the centuries. All wizards were required to undergo the ancient Seer rite of ascension to tap into the flow of magic of the world itself albeit with the caveat that the wizard's personal memories may be erased as a side effect.[7][8]

At some point, Isgarren was contacted by a highly evolved Kryptis named Eparch who wanted to join the ranks of the Wizard's Court and who even lived among the wizards in the Wizard's Tower for a time.[9] However, Isgarren denied the demon lord entry to the court's ranks and exiled him to Nayos, the Realm of Dreams where Eparch had come from, because he found Eparch to be ignorant and hungry after the demon had torn an entire village to innards and scraps of meat.[3][10] This led to an intense rivalry and eventual war between the two as Eparch swore to bring Isgarren and Amnytas down and claim the wizards' secrets and power for himself. To achieve his ends, Eparch began uniting the Kryptis into a coalition under his command, dubbing himself the Midnight King and aiming their aggression against the wizards of Amnytas and Tyria as a whole while Isgarren and his supporters fought to keep them out.

Lonely Tower Fractal[edit]

Eparch confronts Isgarren during the assault on the Wizard's Tower.

Life Above Garenhoff[edit]

After the Wizard's Tower had relocated close to the town of Garenhoff, the townsfolk began relying on the wizard's protection. He was praised by many denizens of Garenhoff for providing elemental guardians to protect the town and its people, but he was rarely seen or heard.[11][12][13] Some of the townspeople viewed the gifted elementals with skepticism as they believed that something felt off about the elementals.[14][15] Despite his reclusive nature, Isgarren was said to have occasionally sent invitations to some of the townsfolk to come live in his castle; none of the people who entered the Wizard's Tower were ever heard from again.[16]

In the past, Isgarren visited the Mystic Forge in search of special compounds. Zommoros, the djinn owner of the Forge, only learned of the visit afterwards. Due to lack of proper skritt documenting, he was unable to find any record of what items Isgarren had tossed into the Forge and what the wizard had received in return. The djinn hoped that Isgarren returned one day so he could inquire the wizard about the nature of his work and where he had been. However, no one had heard from Isgarren for a long time, and Zommoros pondered if something had happened to the wizard since the previous visit.[17] At some point, the charr merchant Brine Clutchall ran a shop at Garenhoff but had to leave in a hurry after he had supposedly overcharged a person he believed to have been Isgarren; he began working for the Guild Initiative in exchange for them protecting him from the wizard.

Secrets of the Obscure[edit]

Act I[edit]

Following the death of Soo-Won and the outbreak of the Void, the Spire's Heart became fractured from the unleashed magic. Though Aurene quickly mended things, the defenses of the World Spire were still injured, and required fixing. Eparch's Kryptis took advantage of this as Isgarren moved the Wizard's Tower to a new location, and assaulted the Wizard's Court directly. Isgarren was attacked by Cerus, and left to go into hiding at The World Spire to prevent harming others as he fought off the possession.[18][19]

Act III[edit]

When the Astral Ward had finally located Isgarren, the Wizard's Court and Wayfinder set off to rescue Isgarren and cleanse him of possession. After chasing the Seer across the Bastion of the Celestial and fighting the ancient seer's many fragmented magics, a final confrontation occurred atop the World Spire itself. However, instead of simply removing the possessing Kryptis from Isgarren, a new rift opened and dragged the Wayfinder and Isgarren through into Nayos itself, where Cerus was waiting for the pair. Unable to properly move, Isgarren gave the Wayfinder what little help he could so that they could confront Cerus. It wasn't enough, however, but rescue came in the unexpected form of Peitha, Kryptis Lord and sister of Cerus, who turned on her brother to assist the Wayfinder. After Cerus' defeat, Peitha opened a new rift for the three to leave Nayos and return to the Wizard's Tower. There, Isgarren had a brief moment to recovery before confronting Peitha and her intentions. With the Wayfinder's opinion considered, Isgarren agreed to a tentative alliance with Peitha to confront and kill Eparch once and for all.[19][20]

Act IV: Through the Veil[edit]

Act VI: The Midnight King[edit]


Horn of Maguuma
The Mists

Story involvement[edit]

Secrets of the Obscure story[edit]

Combat abilities[edit]



DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Chain Lightning Chain Lightning - Hit multiple foes with arcs of chain lightning.

Story Mode (The World Spire)

Final Encounter


DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Bitter Rebuke - Smash the ground in front of you to damage foes.
  • Chaos Vortex - Release a vortex of chaos energy that inflicts Vulnerability.png5 VulnerabilitySlow.png SlowBlinded.png Blinded on foes.
  • Flying Cutter - Send a blade of energy at your target.
  • Grasping Dead - Summon skeletal hands that inflict Torment.png2 Torment to foes in the target area.
  • Haunt Shot - Send out a shadow bolt and inflict Torment.png Torment.
  • Meteor Shower - Call down a meteor shower onto the target area.
  • Seeking Judgment - Fire a seeking projectile that explodes upon contact and damages enemies.
  • Shadowfall - Drop a well that Knockdown.png knocks down on initial impact, then pulses Torment.png1 Torment.
  • Temporal Rift - Slice into the Mists, creating an unstable rift. After a short duration, this rift will collapse in on itself, Pull.png Pulling in enemies and inflicting Torment.png2 Torment.
  • Zealot's Embrace - Send a wave toward your foe that Immobile.png Immobilizes foes in a line.
Stolen skills

Manifestation of Bitterness

  • Manifestation of Bitterness

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png (at 66% and 33% health)

  • Madness.png Kryptis-Possessed - This being is possessed by a Kryptis.
  • Determined.png Determined (30s) (at 66% and 33% health) - Determined to survive and immune to damage.
  • Stun.png Stun (30s) (at 66% and 33% health) - Unable to act.
  • Kryptis Corruption.png Demonic Aura (30s) (at 66% and 33% health) - The Kryptis possessing this creature is vulnerable to purging. Breaking this creature's defiance bar will cause the Kryptis possessing this creature to materialize nearby.
  • Cleansing Resonance Target.png Kryptis Detachment (30s) (when defiance bar is broken) - Demonic magic has been ripped from this creature. It will heal its host if it manages to reach it before being defeated.
  • Bitter Rebuke - Smash the ground in front of you to damage foes.
  • Grasping Dead - Summon skeletal hands that inflict Torment.png2 Torment to foes in the target area.
  • Haunt Shot - Send out a shadow bolt and inflict Torment.png Torment.
  • Necrotic Grasp - Send out a grasping hand that pierces foes in a line and inflicts Torment.png1 Torment.
  • Shadowfall - Drop a well that Knockdown.png knocks down on initial impact, then pulses Torment.png1 Torment.
  • Temporal Rift - Slice into the Mists, creating an unstable rift. After a short duration, this rift will collapse in on itself, Pull.png Pulling in enemies and inflicting Torment.png2 Torment.
Stolen skills

Manifestation of Ego

  • Manifestation of Ego
  • Summons two clones (Impulse and Vulgarity) at 66% and 33% health

DefianceLocked defiance bar

  • Chain Lightning - Hit multiple foes with arcs of chain lightning.
  • Chaos Vortex - Release a vortex of chaos energy that inflicts Vulnerability.png5 Vulnerability, Slow.png Slow, and Blinded.png Blinded on foes.
  • Flying Cutter - Send a blade of energy at your target.
  • Grasping Dead - Summon skeletal hands that inflict Bleeding.png3 Bleeding and Crippled.png Crippled to foes in the target area.
  • Meteor Shower - Call down a meteor shower onto the target area.
  • Seeking Judgment - Fire a seeking projectile that explodes upon contact and damages enemies.
  • Zealot's Embrace - Send a wave toward your foe that Immobile.png Immobilizes foes in a line.
Stolen skills

Manifestations of Impulse & Vulgarity

  • Manifestation of Impulse
  • Manifestation of Vulgarity

DefianceLocked defiance bar

  • Chain Lightning - Hit multiple foes with arcs of chain lightning.
  • Chaos Storm - Create a magical storm at the target location that applies random conditions to foes. The first strike of the storm Daze.png Dazes foes.
  • Grasping Dead - Summon skeletal hands that inflict Bleeding.png3 Bleeding and Crippled.png Crippled to foes in the target area.
  • Warding Rift - Create a rift from the Mists that blocks incoming attacks.
Stolen skills

Manifestation of Rigidity

  • Manifestation of Rigidity

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png


After completing Treachery and before beginning Secrets Obscured
Wayfinder, after everything... I must thank you. For protecting my people, my home. This place is a reflection of myself, so to say. Without it... I don't know what would become of me. Or Tyria.
Talk more option tango.png Anything else I can do?
These events gave me pause and a moment to reflect on things I've left unsettled for too long. I...have a task I'd request of you.
Talk collection option.png What is it?
<Character name>: What is it?
Isgarren: We have kept the walls around Tyria up for ages now. There has been much conflict in that time, across the world.
Isgarren: There are items that have been left hidden in the process. It seemed the safest approach, but the situation has changed.
Isgarren: They must be recovered. Our gift to the people of Tyria is that they never know just how much danger they've been in.
Talk end option tango.png I've got plenty of tasks already.
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.
While Secrets Obscured is active
Are you making progress on the task I gave you?
Talk collection option.png What was I supposed to be doing again?
You were given a list of items that need to be retrieved, lest the citizens of Tyria discover the nature of our work.
Talk end option tango.png Ah, that's right.
Talk more option tango.png Can you give me any advice on where to find them?
Very well. What do you need to know?
Talk more option tango.png Where is this jeweled amulet?
I suspect it fell from the tower when it was moved. Garenhoff would be the logical place to start.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk more option tango.png Where can I find "Planning for Tyria's Future"?
The tome was sealed away in one of the beacons in Orr, then it was lost when the continent fell. If it has survived, it will be in a tower there.
Talk more option tango.png Which one though?
Its caretaker went mad and renamed it. I believe he started calling himself a vizier. Perhaps that will narrow it down.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk more option tango.png Where should I look for this tainted bloodstone censer?
The cursed censer was locked away in the Bloodstone Caves, where I had hoped it would remain. But alas, here we are.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk more option tango.png Do you know what Mabon's favorite food from Divinity's Reach was?
I never asked him about it, but he often spoke fondly of cuisine from Elona, and also of the value of bloodstone as an ingredient. Perhaps some combination of them?
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk more option tango.png What about this Kryptis research document?
The research was being done at Rata Pten before its demise. I wouldn't tarry long—I've heard talk of excavations happening in the area.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk more option tango.png What do I need a Kryptis body for?
It's less about needing one and more about not leaving any behind. Incursions in Tyria proper increase the risk of their remains being found.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk more option tango.png Where should I find this missing stone?
The stone was last in possession of a ward member at the former beacon in Ascalon. It is mistakeable for an ordinary stone and likely still resides there.
Talk back option tango.png Back.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it.
After completing Secrets Obscured
You did well in gathering those items I requested. Now, what can I do for you?
Talk more option tango.png Have Peitha and the Kryptis kept their word? (after completing Sovereign of Nayos)
What choice have they? I've little concern for Peitha's rule in the short term; return to me in two hundred years and ask me this question again. The answer will be more meaningful then.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png I'll try.
Talk more option tango.png How's your recovery coming along?
No need to worry. I have learned to bear the burden of this role over time, and I don't break easily. I will be fine.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you to rest.
Talk more option tango.png Are there still Kryptis attacks happening? (before completing Sovereign of Nayos)
Of course. Those likely will not subside until Eparch himself is dealt with. Your continued assistance in combating those invasions would be of great value.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you to rest.
Talk more option tango.png Are you ever going to reveal yourselves to Tyria?
That is not a decision that can be made lightly. Secrecy has been very important, both for our cause and for Tyria. But...perhaps someday. If the situation changes.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you to rest.
Talk more option tango.png I'm curious. Can you tell me about the Seers?
Ah. My fhogos—my kin. I would not be surprised if I was the only one you'll ever meet. Mabon and I were both birthed by stubborn beings. And like the Tyrian mursaat, my kind are all dead.
Talk more option tango.png I'm so sorry.
We didn't age well. And we lived a very difficult experience... Of all my thousands of years of self-reflection, I barely spent my adolescence among them. I parted from the horde after...
Talk more option tango.png ...After?
We once tried to fell the dragons. The Elder Races of Tyria. The Seer doyen, Sidony, cried for war. But...just before we were to aid the mursaat in their attack on Zhaitan... Sidony decided against.
Talk more option tango.png (Listen intently.)
The mursaat never forgave us, and I empathized with that. They were turned to bone scraps and bile... But they would hunt us for thousands of years after. A few hundred of them, for all of us.
Talk more option tango.png You and Mabon, then...
And unlikely alliance. He was different, and more so resembled the mursaat I've met external Tyria: brutal, yes, but fair. He's endured as much as I have.
Talk more option tango.png Mursaat...external Tyria.
Some, at least. Who could say? Mabon searched, but... he stayed here all this time, after all. Perhaps, they were not worth finding...?
Talk more option tango.png I'm sorry, about Mabon...
I am, too.
Talk back option tango.png I have other questions.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you to your rest.
Talk end option tango.png I think I'm good for now.


Related achievements[edit]


  • Isgarren is voiced by Xander Berkeley.[21]
  • Narrative designer Peter Fries has once jokingly suggested that Isgarren is the son of Wasgarren, and his son is Wilbigarren, the joke being about the English verb tenses 'is,' 'was,' and 'will be.'[22]
  • Grand Wizard Garren was a mage who designed the gardens in the Upper City of Divinity's Reach during King Roderick's reign circa 1265 AE.[23] The similar names and titles have left some questioning if there is a relation, which remains unanswered.
  • Isgarren's involvement in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure was first teased in a blog post.[24]
  • Between the release of Bastion of the Penitent and the development of Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, Bobby Stein, Crystal Reid and Jason Reynolds had a pitch of Isgarren's story taking place in a raid themed around the Wizard's Tower. Isgarren would invite people over for a tour but had ulterior motives: he intended to experiment on the visitors in order to sustain the life of an ill family member. The story's tone was meant to be bittersweet, showing that Isgarren was not acting out of malevolence but had a sympathetic reason for his dubious actions.[25]

See also[edit]

Associated items


  1. ^ Lore interview with Jeff Grubb (Archived)
  2. ^ Treachery
    Isgarren: More importantly, we have questions to answer. I would very much like to talk to you, Peitha.
    Peitha: And I, you, "your highness."
    Isgarren: No titles. Not in my home.
    Peitha: Oh? Curious.
  3. ^ a b c Strength of the Unseen
  4. ^ Mursaat Lore Tablet
  5. ^ Mabon
  6. ^ Into the Obscure
    Isgarren: (snarls) Why have you stopped fighting back?
    Mabon: It's not worth it. Killing you.
    Isgarren: A mursaat without bloodlust? How humble you are.
    Mabon: I'm honest. I don't blame you for hating me. I don't blame your fear.
    Mabon: My kind has killed for less. as ashamed.
    Isgarren: I...
  7. ^ Seer Curses and Rituals
  8. ^ Treachery
    Zojja: In order to connect to the "flow" and access the magical ecosystem, there's a ritual...
    Zojja: It makes your memories fuzzy. The personal ones, at least. You've probably heard about that...unfortunate side effect.
  9. ^ Peitha telepathic dialogue at the Wizard's Tower
    Peitha: To imagine him in this place, as bright as it is.
    <Character name>: Did here?
    Peitha: Long enough to be hungry for more. You should ask your wizards. Isgarren and Eparch have a long history.
  10. ^ Hell Breaks Loose
    Mabon: The Kryptis are demons.
    Mabon: They...evolved, learned. Their influence and power grew under the...guidance of their leader. Eparch.
    Mabon: Centuries ago, Eparch wanted to join our ranks but Isgarren denied him entry. He found Eparch to be...ignorant. Hungry.
    Mabon: Demons tend to be solitary creatures, but Eparch saw potential. Wells of power that they'd yet to tap into.
    Mabon: He dubbed himself their king and built a society in his own image. One of fear and anger. Nayos, the Realm of Dreams.
  11. ^ Wizard's Fief ambient dialogue
  12. ^ Clandint
  13. ^ Lasha
  14. ^ Gabriette
  15. ^ Tillee
  16. ^ Felna
  17. ^ Zommoros's Research Notes
  18. ^ Hell Breaks Loose
  19. ^ a b The World Spire
  20. ^ Treachery
  21. ^ Tweet by Indigo Linde,
  22. ^ Comment by Peter Fries,
  23. ^ Divinity Guide
  24. ^ After the Dragon Cycle,
  25. ^ Extra Life 2023 - Colin Johanson and Bobby Stein: Guild Wars Factions,
    Bobby Stein: I was working on the Raids Team with Crystal Reid and [...] Jason Reynolds. [...] One of the ideas was that Isgarren basically was inviting people up to the tower but not necessarily for benevolence but basically that he was basically experimenting on them. And the reason why he was doing this was to actually sustain the life of an ill family member. We had this concept where the tower would actually change shape, so every time you would go in, it might actually—you'd go into a room but the room layout might be different. [...] The story was meant to be sad. A lot of the story concepts that we worked on for at least the first few raids were sort of bittersweet or tied to loss. Kind of heavy emotions. That's why one of the things we wanted to talk about is instead of just making a person who's doing this just to be nefarious, there's a reason why they're doing things that they wouldn't normally do, and it was because of wanting to fix a loved one or bring them back or something.