User:Viktor Saraphim/Characters/VargSmokefang

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Varg Smokefang
Thief tango icon 48px.png
This character is a Thief.
Charr tango icon 48px.png
This character is a Charr.
This character is a Male.
80 This character is level 80.
Varg Smokefang
I mean business. I'm the bruiser, the muscle, the bear you don't want to poke. My headband keeps my vision clear, no matter how physical I get.
In my line of work, it's important to understand the power of Determination.
I'm ferocious. Threatening violence gets me further than anything else. I'm a natural, though I do try to use my powers of intimidation for good.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Ferocity to overcome it.
I am Ash Legion. I use cunning to overcome my enemies. The Ash Legion teaches stealth and subterfuge. We end battles before they begin with infiltration, information gathering, and precision strikes.
I am proud to be an Ash Legion soldier.
Reeva fights hard and plays hard. Nothing gets her down. She always jokes that her best weapons are her engineering tools and a sharp sense of humor. To Reeva, life isn't worth much if it isn't fun.
I would die for my warband, especially Reeva, my sparring partner.
I've heard my sire's name spoken with reverence ever since I was a cub in the fahrar. I plan to live up to his reputation - or exceed it.
They tell me the soldier that sired me is a loyal soldier.

It's a secret.
This character is a member of the Order of Whispers.

It's a secret.
This character is 12 years and 124 days old.