Spelunker's Delve

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Spelunker's Delve

Spelunker's Delve entrance.jpg
Map of Spelunker's Delve


Spelunker's Delve.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Spelunker's Delve is a jumping puzzle in Caledon Forest. The entrance is in The Verdence, but the bulk of the puzzle takes place within a cave in southern Sleive's Inlet.

Getting there[edit]

From Waypoint (map icon).png Sleive's Waypoint, follow the road west, and then take the south fork just after Warden Rhys. Follow the road south, taking the eastern fork each time it splits. At the southernmost bend in the road, below the giant mushrooms on the cliffs, is a small cave entrance covered by red bushes. You can safely jump down, and you may interact with the Rock Wall to climb back up.


Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Spelunker's Delve.


Related achievements[edit]