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Help the Rata Novans prepare for a party

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Help the Rata Novans prepare for a party

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help the Rata Novans prepare for a party is a dynamic event that takes place in Rata Novus Promenade.


  • Golems Configured
    Event bar.jpg
  • Time remaining: 8:00
  • Subdue the Possessed Rata Novans
    Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Time remaining: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)
  • Musicians Helped
    Event bar.jpg
  • Time remaining: 8:00
  • Subdue the Possessed Rata Novans
    Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Time remaining: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)
  • Painters Helped
    Event bar.jpg
  • Time remaining: 8:00
  • Subdue the Possessed Rata Novans
    Event bar.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png
  • Time remaining: X:XX (continues timer from previous objective)


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Subdue citizens

When Rata Novan citizens become Madness.png Kryptis-Possessed, deal damage to them until they reach 25% health. They will be Stun.png Stunned and gain Kryptis Corruption.png Demonic Aura for 30 seconds, so you have to use the special action skillPurge Corruption.png Purge Corruption to subdue them.

Golem configuration

Interact with a H.O.X. golem to gain the effect Challenge of the Ancients.png Time Remaining and the skills:

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Blue Symbol.png Sequence Beta Sigma 0.5½ No skill description found.
2 Red Symbol.png Sequence Rho Delta 0.5½ No skill description found.
3 Yellow Symbol.png Sequence Upsilon Xi 0.5½ No skill description found.

Then play a mini-game similar to "Simon says" machines in Club Canach and successfully follow the sequence of up to three buttons in a row.


Interacting with the Music Sheets allows you to read the music note sequence required for this part of the event:

Anthem of Rata Novus


Then talk to a Rata Novus Musician and make them follow your lead. Your weapon skills will be overriden with the following:

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Do.png Note 1 None
2 Re.png Note 2 ...
3 Me.png Note 3 None
4 La (Bell Choir).png Note 4 None
5 Sol.png Note 5 None
6 Fa.png Note 6 None
7 Te.png Note 7 None
8 Do (higher).png Note 8 None
8 Stop Riding.png Stop Playing Stop Playing

Play the notes 1-4-2-3-8-5 in quick succession next to a musician so the speech bubble disappears and they throw some confetti.


Interact with a canvas to gain Desert Carapace.png Painterly Stance and Queued for Queen's Gauntlet Challenge.png Time remaining. Your skills will be overriden with the following:

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
Painterly Stroke (Skywatch Archipelago).png Painterly Stroke 0.5½ Paint a perfect stroke.
Missed Stroke (Skywatch Archipelago).png Missed Stroke 0.5½ Paint stroke is sloppy.
10 File:Quit Painting.png Quit Painting 3 ...

They will be randomly organised and change positions every time you paint a stroke. If you successfully paint correct strokes without missing any, you can stack up Thick Skin (Leviathan).png Perfect Stroke, although it doesn't appear to do anything.


Ignorance Is Bliss Skywatch Archipelago 1Achievement points
Participate in various activities during the "Help the Rata Novans prepare for a party" event.If everyone stays happy, then there's no danger, right? Participated in 100 Activities 1Achievement points

There are 3 activities that rewards differing amounts of progress:

  • Recalibrating a golem awards 5 points.
  • Playing the tune for a musician awards 3 points. (Look at the book for the tune, tell the musician to follow your lead and then hit the keys as quick as you can)
  • Helping painters awards 1 point for each correct Painterly Stroke.
  • Subduing possessed Rata Novans does not contribute.






Prior to the event
Breidr: Look, we really don't have a great handle on what allows these incursions to happen.
Breidr: Fear, despair, sadness; in sufficient quantities, they all lead to possession.
Zinn: This is Rata Novus! You'll find no such negativity here. I'm confident in our safety to six significant digits.
Zinn: If you're concerned, then help us prepare. If everyone stays happy, then there's no danger, right?
Breidr: Well, in theory... Fine, we'll help with the preparations.
During the event
Zinn: Start with the golems. Switch them to "COMMAND: Party." Can't have a celebration if they're not serving refreshments.
Zinn: Possession? No, this can't be right. This is a celebration! Unless... Deal with them while I make some calculations.
Zinn: Perhaps music is the missing variable. Go get the musicians playing. Quickly, now!
Zinn: No, no, this doesn't add up! Take care of them while I make some adjustments to my figures.
Zinn: So, if the coefficient of joy is... Hmm...
Zinn: Perhaps artistic inspiration is needed as a counterbalance... Well, don't just stand there, make a masterpiece already!
Zinn: I don't understand... The more joyous the celebration, the more possession there is. That makes no sense, unless they...
During the event (repeated lines)
H.O.X.: (beeps happily)
Possessed Rata Novan Citizen: More... I want more.
Possessed Rata Novan Citizen: Another banquet, just for us.
Possessed Rata Novan Citizen: What's wrong, don't you want to celebrate?
Rata Novus Citizen: Ah, my head...
Rata Novus Citizen: Did I miss the party...?
Talking to a Rata Novus Musician
Rata Novus Musician: Are we still going to perform? What's going on out there? I'm so confused...
Tick green.png Just follow my lead.
Talk end option tango.png Just keep waiting.
Talking to a Painter
Painter: Are we making these paintings for the celebration?
Talk more option tango.png That's the plan.
Okay... but I don't actually know how to paint.
Talk end option tango.png Let me show you.
Talk end option tango.png Can't help you. Sorry.
Event success
Breidr: What's going on? I thought you had a plan here, Zinn!
Zinn: I'm afraid I've gravely misunderstood the nature of these creatures.
Zinn: We assumed that the creatures targeted negative emotions, but all that matters is the magnitude of the emotions.
Zinn: By keeping everyone happy, we've inadvertently drawn even more of these "Kryptis" right to Rata Novus.
Breidr: And here they come.
Event failure
Zinn: No, no, no, this party is a disaster! We'll just have to postpone it for now.

Related achievements[edit]


In the second phase of having to subdue the possessed Rata Novans, there may not be enough enemies to fill the bar and the event fails when the timer runs out.