Guild Claiming

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The Guild Claiming panel allows guilds to claim a captured objective (resource camps, towers, keeps or castles) in World versus World. Claiming an objective improves its defenses, provides buffs to allied players, and improves the amount of War Score points awarded per 5 minute tick.

Claimed objectives display the guild's logo, and the guild name is displayed in the Objective Upgrades interface.

User interface[edit]

Primary article: Objective upgrade#Mechanics
Guild Claiming panel.jpg

The Objective Upgrades interface can be viewed by:

  • Left-clicking the map icon for the objective on the world map, mini-map or at the top of the user interface.
  • Speaking with the quartermaster at the objective.

The Guild Claiming panel is then shown by clicking on the second tab on the left.


The top of the interface shows the name of the guild which claimed the structure, the type of structure, and the server.

Upon capturing an objective from an enemy team, guilds which contributed to the capture will be queued up with 10 second priority claiming prompt windows. This requires the War Room Guild Claiming upgrade associated with the structure type. Claiming a structure starts a timer to progress the Guild Claiming Tiers.

If no guild has claimed a structure following its capture, a claim button will be shown instead of the guild name, again available to any guild which has the associated guild upgrade.

If your guild has a prior claim then a warning is given that the new claim automatically releases the prior claim on the current WvW map. All tactics and improvements slotted into the prior objective will remain, but may be overwritten if a new guild claims the objective and waits for the timer. Cross-server guilds can only claim one structure per map regardless of team color.

War Chest

On the left are the available upgrades stored within the treasury of the player's active guild. If a padlock icon is displayed, the player lacks the permissions to add the upgrades to the structure.

Upgrades may be added to the War Chest by consuming schematics, which are either crafted by Scribes or are contained within Improvement and Tactic Packs. Since upgrades are single use items, once deployed from the War Chest they are consumed, and will not be refunded to the War Chest if the objective is captured by an enemy team.

Additionally, upgrades can be replaced by members of the guild which claimed the structure, this will however destroy the existing upgrade.

Upgrade slots

On the right is a grid of upgrade slots, grouped into two columns. Walled objectives will have six slots (2 slots per tier), whilst camps will have only two.

There are three roman numerals to the right of the rows, representing the Guild Claiming Tiers 1 to 3. Camps will only have the first tier available.

Both of the tier 1 upgrade slots unlock after a guild has claimed an objective for 10 minutes. Tier 2 is reached after 30 minutes. Tier 3 is reached after 60 minutes.

Tactics (Active)

Tactics can be inserted into the left column. A timer is displayed indicating the build (3 minutes) or recharge time (20 or 30 minutes) if a tactic has been placed or recently used.

Improvements (Passive)

Improvements can be inserted into the right column.



Once slotted, tactics take 3 minutes to build. Once built, a named tactivator becomes available, which when pulled will trigger the associated tactic. Ordinarily, any allied player can pull a tactivator.

Optionally, the guild which claimed the objective can choose to disable the "Public Tactic Activation" at the top-right corner of the Guild Claiming window, which will mean that only members of that guild can pull the tactivators. This checkbox will become checked if all members of the corresponding guild leave the map.

Tier Tactic Availability Description
WvW Objective Guild Tier 1.png
(Hold for 10min)
Supply Drop.pngMinor Supply Drop All objectives Activate this Tactic to have 200 supply deposited at the objective.
Healing Mist (WvW).png Healing Mist All objectives Activate this tactic to temporarily summon machines that will heal allies at the objective.
Invulnerable Dolyaks.pngInvulnerable Dolyaks Camps Activate this Tactic to make the next set of dolyaks invincible, guaranteeing that they will reach their destination.
Assault Roller.pngDune Roller Camps Activate this tactic to summon a dune roller at your objective. The user is transformed into a car, granting them increased mobility and siege damage.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 2.png
(Hold for 30min)
Centaur Banner.png Centaur Banner Towers, Keeps, Castle Summon a Centaur Banner at your objective. This banner provides the wielder access to powerful offensive skills, as well as a break bar.
Turtle Banner.png Turtle Banner Towers, Keeps, Castle Summon a Turtle Banner at your objective. This banner provides the wielder access to powerful defensive skills, as well as a break bar.
Dragon Banner.png Dragon Banner Towers, Keeps, Castle Summon a Dragon Banner at your objective. This banner provides the wielder access to powerful offensive skills, as well as a break bar.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 3.png
(Hold for 60min)
Emergency Waypoint.pngEmergency Waypoint Towers, Keeps, Castle Activate this tactic to temporarily create a uncontestable waypoint at the objective.
Siege Dampener.pngSiege Dampener Towers, Keeps, Castle Activate this tactic to temporarily make all walls and gates take reduced siege damage.
Airship Defense.pngAirship Defense Stonemist Castle Activate this tactic to temporarily summon a fleet of airships to protect the castle from invaders.


Once slotted, improvements take 3 minutes to build. Once built, the improvement effect is passively applied to the structure without further player interaction.

Tier Tactic Availability Description
WvW Objective Guild Tier 1.png
(Hold for 10min)
Sabotage Depot.pngSabotage Depot All objectives Deploy bombs at the supply depot that will explode if the objective is captured by an enemy team. The explosion will destroy all remaining supply at the objective.
Hardened Gates.pngHardened Gates Towers, Keeps, Castle Greatly reduces nonsiege weapon damage to gates. Hardened Gates
Armored Dolyaks.pngArmored Dolyaks Camps Dolyaks gain increased health and toughness.
Packed Dolyaks.pngPacked Dolyaks Camps Dolyaks now carry twice as much supply.
Speedy Dolyaks.pngSpeedy Dolyaks Camps Dolyaks gain superspeed.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 2.png
(Hold for 30min)
Iron Guards.pngIron Guards All objectives Guards gain Iron Hide, reducing incoming damage by 50%.
Hardened Siege.pngHardened Siege Towers, Keeps, Castle Greatly reduces non-siege weapon damage to cannons, mortars, and oil pots.
WvW Objective Guild Tier 3.png
(Hold for 60min)
Auto Turrets.pngAuto Turrets Towers, Keeps, Castle Automatic turrets deployed above the objective's gates.
Watchtower.pngWatchtower Towers A spy balloon is deployed above the tower, which will mark nearby enemies on the map.
Presence of the Keep.pngPresence of the Keep Keeps Allied players gain double the effectiveness of the keep's objective aura while within the perimeter of the keep.
Cloaking Waters.pngCloaking Waters Stonemist Castle The fountains in the castle's courtyard grant stealth to allies.


Although not shown within the Guild Claiming user interface, claiming an objective immediately applies beneficial aura effects to all allied players, the icon for which is shown above a player's utility skills.

The aura effects are granted by the eight Objective Aura upgrades that can be purchased.

If Presence of the Keep is active then allied players gain double effectiveness of all auras while within the perimeter of the keep, including doubling the max supply to +10, which raises the possible supply capacity to 25.

Guild permissions[edit]

Guild Panel, ranks tab

Permissions are associated with guild rank. Ranks can be viewed under the bottom tab of the Guild panel.

The related permissions to WvW are:

  • Claim Objectives — Unlocks the claim button for captured objectives. Also allows the "Public Tactic Activation" checkbox to be altered.
  • Spend Claimable Upgrades — Allows guild members to slot tactics and improvements from the War Chest in empty slots of claimed objectives.
  • Edit Claimable Options — Allows guild members to switch already slotted tactics and improvements. (Only works if both this permission and "Spend Claimable Upgrades" are active)
  • Activate Claimable Tactics — lets guild members pull Tactivators if the "Public Tactic Activation" has been unticked.


See also[edit]


External references[edit]