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Fight your way through the loyalists and reach Nyedra

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Fight your way through the loyalists and reach Nyedra

Interactive map

Interactive map

Fight your way through the loyalists and reach Nyedra is a level 80 event which unites the two separate groups from The Fangs That Gnash meta event in Inner Nayos and takes them to the final encounter. Starting around the Mosyn's Repose poi, join with the other NPCs to protect Frode from ambushes as he makes his way to the Coliseum of the Midnight King. Once he arrives safely at The Queen's Procession the event is complete except for a bit of walking and talking before the final event of the meta begins.


  • Frode
  • Event shield (tango icon).png Event bar.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.






Before the event starts
Frode: Major. Knew I could count on you. But we're not done yet. Ready for the hard part?
Major Emund: No time like the present.
Tharon: I would prefer a time of peace. But perhaps I do not understand this sentiment.
Reya: He simply means he is eager to initiate the long overdue massacre of our mutual enemy. Eparch's essence-addled half-wit—
Frode: Move out!
Event start
Frode: Our intel is that the Kryptis here live under the thumb of Eparch's loyalists. That accurate?
Tharon: There are some who resist. Others who staunchly support the king. If asked to broadly generalize for the simple minded—
Major Emund: Reya? Short answer?
Reya: Yes, cowards who have accepted their deaths and live as servile corpses do dwell here. We will show them a better way.
At an ambush, one of the following
Major Emund: Incoming!
Frode: Ambush!
Event success
Frode: This is it. Let's search for allies.
Frode: It's awfully... empty here.
Tharon: The area usually teems with activity. I doubt even your countenances could cause this.
Major Emund: Something's wrong.
The Tormented: (howls)
The Tormented: No!
The Tormented: Help!
Major Emund: Another one of Eparch's pets?
Reya: Eparch's prized lizard. You will reap what you sow, Knaebelag.
Tharon: On this I must agree. We cannot allow this creature to continue to hurt our people.