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Defeat the Speaker and Jade Brotherhood lieutenants

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Defeat the Speaker and Jade Brotherhood lieutenants

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the Speaker and Jade Brotherhood lieutenants is a level 80 group event in the Echovald Wilds.


Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.




Event start
Noomi: Going to cower behind your machines, are you?
In-Sook: As opposed to fighting with my bare hands? Yeah, yeah, I think I will.
Noomi: Tell me: Do you believe in anything?
In-Sook: I believe you're fighting the future 'cause you're afraid of it.
Noomi: And I believe your arrogance will be the world's undoing.
Kestrel Ariana: What was that!
Kestrel Zuru: The vile darkness is spreading!
Kestrel Ayumi: The more they interact with the tech, the more Void gets released!
In-Sook: Is it true you think you're all going to be Wardens one day?
Noomi: I know we will be Wardens one day. We have been chosen to protect the forest from humanity.
In-Sook: You've got brain worms, old man. Tetra's done a number on you.
Noomi: Do you ever think about the consequences of the things you build?
In-Sook: Have to build it first to find out.
Noomi: So that's it? Do it just because you can? And if it ends up doing harm⁠—"whoops"?
In-Sook: That's the cost of innovation. We're just claiming our piece of the pie.
Kestrel Ayumi: We've driven back the armies, but what about the lieutenants?
Kestrel Ariana: They're still busy trying to beat each other to a pulp.
Kestrel Stas: Maybe we should give them a hand.
Kestrel Ayumi: As tempting as it is to let them keep beating each other up, they're releasing more Void every second![verification requested]
Kestrel Ayumi: Surrender! Your armies have scattered.
Mi Shen: Don't you dare surrender, In-Sook! I'm almost finished repogramming this thing.
In-Sook: Wasn't planning on it.
During combat
Noomi: But the spirit I channeled into it⁠—
Mi Shen: Is now ectoplasmic goo.
Kestrel Ayumi: All of you stop⁠—please! Can't you see what you're doing to this place?
Tetra Earthcall: Rally around me, Speakers!
Chul-Moo: Brotherhood! Don't give up any ground!
Kestrel Ayumi: Stop this! All of you! Can't you see what's happening here? This place is corrupted beyond belief!
Chul-Moo: It has changed quite a lot.
Tetra Earthcall: Yes, can't you see what your foul technologies have wrought?
Kestrel Ayumi: This isn't only on them. The tech holds the corruption inside. Every time you smash something, you let it out.
Tetra Earthcall: (grumble)

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