Champion Partially Digested Husk

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Champion Partially Digested Husk is a Mordrem enemy that spawns in events in the Triple Trouble meta event. They boast a high direct damage defense, but are very susceptible to Condition Damage.



Event involvement[edit]

Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat the amber head of the great jungle wurm (55)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat the cobalt head of the great jungle wurm (55)
Red Boss.png [Group Event] Defeat the crimson head of the great jungle wurm (52)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Investigate the rumors of wurm activity in Challdar Gorges (52)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Investigate the rumors of wurm activity on Jelako Beach (55)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Investigate the rumors of wurm activity in Whisperwill Bogs (55)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Tough Bark

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Backhand - Attacks the player with a backhand slap.
  • Stomp - Launch.png Launches player(s) into the air.
    • Punch - Follow-up from Stomp. Launches player(s).
  • Throw - Throws parasites at player(s). Inflicts Parasites.
  • Lunge - Leaps towards the player. Spawns Binding Roots if it hits.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Heirloom Seed Pouch.png Noxious Seed Pouch Container Rare 1
Heirloom Seed Pouch.png Noxious Seed Pouch Container Exotic 1


  • Only the Husk at the investigate escort will drop loot