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My name is Wrin. I also go by Jupiter. I'm a veteran of Guild Wars 2 PVE who runs the Metabattle open world section. You can find me being active in several community discords, including Guild Wars University and the official Reddit Discord.

This page is dedicated to providing clear and accurate information on Guild Wars 2 open world and will generally serve as a resource repository. For more information or clarification on topics, I recommend joining the discords "GuildWarsUniversity" or "GuildWars2".


The following is a list of resources that may be useful to the average open world player.


  • My Builds - The builds that I personally run in PVE. WIP.
  • Metabattle - General builds for open world, raids, and fractals.
  • Snowcrows - PVE Builds, including Raids and Open World.
  • Discretize - Fractal-specific builds.



The FAQ is currently under construction. I am adding questions to this one at a time.

  • Q: I'm dying a lot. How can I survive?
    • AKA: "I feel squishy.", "I'm having trouble living in open world.", "Enemies hurt too much :(", etc
    • This answer can get very complicated so it's best if we boil it down to its base components:
      • Fundamentals. Guild Wars 2 is built upon a set of base mechanics that revolve around *avoiding* damage, rather than mitigating it. This includes Dodging and positioning correctly, management of energy, and timing other i-frames and Blocks in order to reduce damage to 0. These fundamentals persist even when healers are present. Focus on moving out of dangerous areas before dodging out of them to conserve energy, dodging dangerous attacks, and making use of your classes i-frames and blocks, such as Mesmer's Blurred Frenzy and Guardian's "Advance!".
      • Build. Unlike in other MMOs, gear weight isn't relevant when determining a character's base level of survivability. Passive defense in Guild Wars 2 is also not particularly useful due to the sheer amount of incoming damage in this game. Some passive defense can be helpful, such as a bit of Toughness or Vitality, but investing heavily in these stats is not recommended due to their impact on personal DPS. In Guild Wars 2, the best defense is a great offense. In general, focus on using DPS gear and instead adjust your traits and utilities in order to survive.
      • DPS. While it may seem counterintuitive, dealing high damage reduces the time that enemies live, reducing their total damage output and providing fewer opportunities for you to make mistakes. Keeping your DPS high is absolutely essential for survival in Guild Wars 2.
      • Buffs. Having the proper boons can make a massive difference. In particular, Protection can be extremely valuable against enemies with very high damage output. Look for sources of this in your build. Offensive boons can also make a massive difference in your DPS, so try to make sure you're maintaining at least Might and Fury, and Quickness where possible.

My Articles[edit]

My Main Articles Page has a list of all of my personal articles, but the important ones are also listed here: