User:Viktor Saraphim/Characters/Tigg

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Necromancer tango icon 48px.png
This character is a Necromancer.
Asura tango icon 48px.png
This character is a Asura.
This character is a Male.
80 This character is level 80.
I respect the traditions of necromancers that have gone before me. I mark my face with the symbol of a skull to remind me that even the greatest die eventually.
A necromancer's closest companion is death. In acknowledgement of this, I mark my face with the symbol of a Skull.
I'm dignified even when up to my ears in mud. It's what makes people respect me. A serious, thoughtful demeanor is the route to success.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Dignity to overcome it.
The College of Dynamics produces gizmo-makers extraordinaire. Energy, enthusiasm, and boldness are our best qualities. We believe in leveraging the expendable nature of all things. If a prototype explodes, it isn't a failure unless the lesson goes unlearned.
I am a member of the College of Dynamics.
Most golems are powerhouses, designed for warfare. They show absolutely no subtlety or originality of design. My golem was compact and efficient, and it had an unparalleled package of features. It revolutionized lab cleanup, and it mixed a great cocktail too.
My first creation was a VALET-123 Golem.
Master Blipp was known for his redundancies as well as his redundancies. He often said, "Your first try should never be your last, especially if it succeeded. You can always succeed bigger next time."
My first advisor, the one who taught me almost everything I know (almost), was Blipp.

It's a secret.
This character is a member of the Order of Whispers.

It's a secret.
This character is 12 years and 131 days old.