
From Guild Wars 2 Wiki
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Asura 01 concept art (white).jpg

Character Name

Asura 04 concept art.jpg


Warrior icon small.png   Warrior

Date of Creation
Date created

13 years and 156 days

Character Progress:

copy/paste the code below remove any unwanted lines of styling

| nav =                              <!-- enter you navigation template here -->
| Character Name = Character Name    <!--your characters name --> 
| Race = Asura                       <!-- Asura Charr Human Norn Sylvari-->
| Prof = r                           <!-- enter w=Warrior g=Guardian en=Engineer e=Elementalist t=Thief r=Ranger n=Necromancer -->
| Date = 1 january 2011              <!-- replace 1 January 2011 with date of creation, this information is also used for the age section -->
| Image = Asura 04 concept art.jpg   <!-- replace with image of your charcater  e.g User:Username_Charname_image.jpg = will give you a red link you can use to upload your image -->
| character progress =               <!-- can add templates for characters progession here -->

<!-- please delete the row of anything below you do no wish to make changes to -->
| Imagesize = 250x500px         <!-- can be used to resize your image -- >
| charfont =  Script Mt Bold    <!-- changes font of your character name -->
| charfontsize = 600            <!-- changes the size of the font of your character name enter 100 for 100% -->
| charfontcol = #766A6A         <!-- changes the colour of the font of your character name -->
| infofont = Bradley Hand ITC   <!-- changes font of your information -->
| infofontsize = 150            <!-- changes the size of the font of your information name enter 100 for 100% -->
| infofontcol = #766A6A         <!-- changes the colour of the font of your information -->
| bordertint = #766A6A          <!-- outside border colour -->
| bordergroove = #7E3517        <!-- inside border colour -->
| pagebackground = #FFF         <!-- changes page background colour -->