The Icebrood Saga content

Shining Champion

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Shining Champion

Icebrood Saga mastery point

Icebrood Saga
Dragon Slayer

Before completion: When an allied faction aids you in a Dragon Response Mission, you have improved skill at taking advantage of their assistance.
While wielding Dragon Essence, dodging now removes a specific condition based on the essence.
The allied faction weekly vendor now carries additional items. 

After completion: When an allied faction aids you in a Dragon Response Mission, you have improved skill at taking advantage of their assistance.
While wielding Dragon Essence, dodging now removes a specific condition based on the essence.
The allied faction weekly vendor now carries additional items.

— In-game description


Essence Effect on dodge
Unbound Firestorm.png Essence of the Deep Flame Removes one application of Chilled.png Chilled
Unbound Blizzard.png Essence of the Storm Ice Removes one application of Burning.png Burning
  • The improved allies skills are as follows:
Ally Improved skills
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Asura Wearing a Power Suit now grants a 3rd skill, Self-Repair.
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Charr ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Crystal Bloom The crystal loses 10% of its health when power is drawn from it instead of 20%.
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Deldrimor Dwarves Alkar's Alchemical Acid (object) now grants 3 charges of Alkar's Alchemical Acid instead of 1.
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Ebon Vanguard Rally for Victory now summons 3 Ebon Vanguard Soldiers instead of 1.
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Exalted Wearing an Enchanted Armor now grants a 3rd skill, Healing Burst.
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Flame Legion ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Kodan ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Norn ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Olmakhan ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Seraph ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Sylvari ?
Steel and Fury.png Ally Support: Tengu Tengu Longbow now grants a 3rd skill, Read the Wind.