Quaggan Games

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The Quaggan Games are a traditional series of competitions held by the arctic quaggan. It was originally a competition where hundreds of quaggans of many villages would show up and compete.[1] However, after the rise of Jormag, the six great villages of the northern quaggans were wiped out and its refugees formed Orsippus.[2] Nowadays, the quaggans try to maintain the tradition to distract them from the incurring icebrood threats,[3] but only two villages remain to send competitors: Orsippus and Twoloop.



Swimming race[edit]

After the competitors have been allowed time to prepare:

Commissioner Baabloo: Champions! Report to the racetrack!
Commissioner Baabloo: You've trained hard for this day. Are you ready to race?
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Quaggan's ready!
Commissioner Baabloo: Fins out! Tails straight! Quaggans, go!
(If Help Orsippus Champion Squilp gain the buoyancy to race effectively was completed)
Commissioner Baabloo: Aloogwa has jumped out to an early lead!
Commissioner Baabloo: Squilip has surged into the lead!
Commissioner Baabloo: Through the halfway mark, now. Squilp is dominating the race.
Commissioner Baabloo: Quaggans are nearing the end of the race, and Squilp still has the lead.
Commissioner Baabloo: Squilp wins! Victory for Orsippus!
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Quaggan won! Quaggan won! The hatchlings will be so proud.
Commissioner Baabloo: Squilp has taken control early.
Commissioner Baabloo: Aloogwa has come from behind and is now in the lead!
Commissioner Baabloo: Aloogwa is still in control with only a short distance to go.
Commissioner Baabloo: Aloogwa is across first for the win!
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Quaggan knew quaggan could do it!

Arena combat[edit]

Commissioner Baabloo: Champions, to the arena!
Commissioner Baabloo: Quaggan's [sic] have long feared combat, but with the coming of Jormag, that has ended.
Commissioner Baabloo: Now, quaggans must embrace combat as a form of survival. And today, as a form of competition.
Commissioner Baabloo: This is the truest of the Quaggan Games. Be strong, and fight hard.
Commissioner Baabloo: Quaggans... Begin!
(If Assist Aloogwa with combat training was completed)
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Ahhh! Quaggan can't accept failure! Quaggan must win!


After the two rounds:

(If Squilp won both events)
Commissioner Baabloo: Squilp has won both events, and thus is the Quaggan Games champion!
(If Aloogwa won both events)
Commissioner Baabloo: Aloogwa has swept the events, and thus is the Quaggan Games champion!
(If each won one event)
Commissioner Baabloo: The competitors are tied. The only choice now is to put it to a hatchling vote.
Commissioner Baabloo: Hatchlings! Circle the competitor you think most deserves to represent quaggans.
(If Squilp was chosen by the hatchlings)
Commissioner Baabloo: The hatchlings have decided. Squilp is the Quaggan Games champion!
(If Aloogwa was chosen by the hatchlings)
Commissioner Baabloo: The hatchlings have voted. Aloogwa is the Quaggan Games champion!

After announcing the winner:

(If Squilp was announced champion)
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Quaggan's victory is for all of Orsippus!
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Foo! Even with your training, quaggan wasn't good enough.
Slishaa: Calm. Use your defeat. Let it make you stronger for next time.
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Thank you. Quaggan will work hard to make you proud.
(If Aloogwa was announced champion)
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Quaggan now knows victory! Quaggan is one step closer to Slishaa!
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Quaggan has let the hatchlings and all of Orsippus down.
Varanos Telsip: No, Squilp. All of Orsippus saw how hard you tried.
Varanos Telsip: There is no shame in your efforts. All the hatchlings will learn from your heart.
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Varanos... Thank you.

Speaking with the NPCs after the competitions have ended:

Commissioner Baabloo: All quaggans of twoloop and Orsippus thank you for helping to make the Quaggan Games a success. It really helped quaggans forget their troubles for a while.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
(If Squilp won the games)
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Quaggan won! Quaggan can't believe it. The hatchlings will be so proud of quaggan.
Talk end option tango.png Congratulations.
(If Squilp won the games)
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Quaggan couldn't live up to Slishaa. Quaggan just wasn't good enough to be champion.
Talk more option tango.png You did your best.
True, and that's all Slishaa said I needed. Maybe it's not so bad. Quaggan just wanted so much more.
Talk end option tango.png There's always next time.
Talk end option tango.png Yeah, you could have done better.
(If Aloogwa won the games)
Twoloop Champion Aloogwa: Quaggan has followed in Slishaa's wake to become champion! Quaggan is proud beyond words.
Talk end option tango.png Congratulations.
(If Aloogwa won the games)
Orsippus Champion Squilp: Quaggan wanted to lift up Orsippus, to make all the villagers happy and proud. Quaggan tried as hard as quaggan could, but it wasn't enough.
Talk more option tango.png I'm sure they're still proud of you.
Quaggan knows you're right. The varonos said so too, and he's the smartest quaggan quaggan knows. It's just so hard to try and fail.
Talk end option tango.png There's always next time.
Talk end option tango.png Yeah. Too bad.


Closing the games:

Commissioner Baabloo: Slishaa, please come forward.
Commissioner Baabloo: The Quaggan games are at an end.
Commissioner Baabloo: To close the competitions, quaggans must now return the Shimmer Bauble to the depths.
Commissioner Baabloo: Slishaa, as the bauble runner, that honor falls to you.
Slishaa: Quaggan is ready. Quaggan will find a good stop.
Commissioner Baabloo: Then good luck. May Mellaggan protect you.

