Eligibility: Spirit Evader

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Eligibility: Spirit Evader

Effect type
Achievement effect
Game link

Haul all the treasure to the end of the maze without alerting any spectral orbs.

— In-game description

Eligibility: Spirit Evader is an effect applied to players in the Siren's Reef Fractal maze on tier 4.


  • Once removed, cannot be reapplied in the same instance.
  • Removed if any player enters the circle of reach of one of the spectral orbs.
  • Not removed upon player or party death.
  • Every bag of Cursed Treasure returned to the chest at the end of the maze spawns additional spectral orbs, making the achievement harder to complete. The bags can be left unattended behind the chest for upwards of a minute without returning to their respective spawn point.
  • Stealth skills do not work contrary to intuition.