Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns content

Bodies (Salvation Pass)

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Bodies (Salvation Pass).jpg

Salvation Pass
(Forsaken Thicket)

Bodies of Krytan civilians lie scattered around Salvation Pass.


Heart of Maguuma


Next to the Burn Pit
These bodies look like they were piled here to be tossed into the burning pit.
Talk more option tango.png Look them over with a keen thief's eye. (only available to Thieves)
The bodies are filthy and show signs of starvation. While some died violent deaths, others may have died from dehydration.
Talk back option tango.png Take one more look, just to be sure.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
Talk more option tango.png Use your necromantic senses. (only available to Necromancers)
The silence here is unnerving. These bodies are empty shells.
Talk more option tango.png Let your necromancy guide you.
The ragged edges of their magical fabric suggests that their souls were forcibly ripped from them.
Talk back option tango.png Take one more look, just to be sure.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
Talk more option tango.png Examine them more closely.
Most of these corpses appear to be rural folk.
Talk more option tango.png Search them.
There is a letter in the young woman's pocket.
Talk more option tango.png Read the letter.
My darling Clareese,
My holiday leave quickly approaches. I miss Beetletun and you so much.
I'll be home soon.
Love, Jimson
Talk back option tango.png Take one more look, just to be sure.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
Talk end option tango.png Leave them be.
The large group of bodies at the bottom of the cliffs in Dead Man's Gorge,
These bodies were tossed off the cliff above. It's unclear if they were dead beforehand or if they died from the impact.
Talk more option tango.png Examine more closely.
The cruelty and disregard for life evidenced by the casual discarding of these Krytan citizens strikes a foul note.
Talk more option tango.png Use your warrior wisdom to examine them. (only available to Warriors)
Although they're quite bruised, most of these people show no defensive wounds.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk more option tango.png Use your necromantic senses. (only available to Necromancers)
A ghost lingers nearby, perhaps belonging to one of the deceased.
Talk more option tango.png Reach out to the ghost with your necromancy.
It shies away from you. You sense a great deal of fear.
Talk end option tango.png Walk away.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
If human
Talk end option tango.png Pray to Grenth for them.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk end option tango.png Take a moment of silence.
Single body off to the side
The defensive wounds indicate this person fought their captor vigorously. They were determined to survive.
Talk end option tango.png Walk away.
Along the path up to the Temple of Salvation, next to a Torn Page
The girl's body lies lifeless in the grass. She appears to have been starved and beaten by her captors.
Talk end option tango.png Take a moment of silence.
If human
Talk end option tango.png Pray to Grenth for her.