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Guild registrar.png



Interactive map

Beaulieu is a Guild Registrar found in front of the Guild Initiative Headquarters.



If not a member of a guild
Hi. I'm with the Guild Initiative. I can help you with administration. How may I be of assistance?
Talk more option tango.png How do I join a guild?
You can either be invited to join a guild by existing members or you can create your own guild.
Talk ready option.png Show me my guild options.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, I may be back.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not interested.
If a member of a guild (will vary by status in guild)
Hi. I'm with the Guild Initiative. I can help you with administration. How may I be of assistance?
Talk quest choice tango.png I want to edit my guild's emblem. (If guild has Guild Emblem Template upgrade. Opens guild emblem window)
It seems you don't have permission to edit your emblem. (If no permission to edit)
Talk ready option.png Show me my guild options.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks. I may be back.
Talk more option tango.png I want to apply for a larger guild license.
Excellent! Let's get started. First we have to look at your current roster. One moment, while I check your records.
Talk more option tango.png All right.
Hmm, your membership is not large enough. You need more guild members before I can give you a bigger license. (If guild is too small)
Talk back option tango.png Let's talk about something else.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, I'm done then.
Talk back option tango.png Nevermind.
Talk end option tango.png Excuse me. I need to go.
Your guild already has the largest license currently available. Is there anything else I can help you with? (If guild is big enough)
Talk back option tango.png Perhaps.
Talk end option tango.png No, that's all for now.
You must have "invite" permissions in your guild before I can discuss membership licenses with you. (If no permission to invite)
Talk back option tango.png Let's talk about something else.
Talk end option tango.png Okay, I'm done then.
Talk end option tango.png I'm not interested.
Welcome! In honor of your represented guild's existing influence and commitment, the Guild Initiative would like to present you with a special one-time gift.
Talk quest choice tango.png We accept the initiative's gift. Thank you.
Talk more option tango.png What does this gift contain?
Based on your guild's total completed research levels, you'll be awarded one or more guild-hall decorations commemorating your accomplishments.
Talk quest choice tango.png We accept the initiative's gift. Thank you.
Talk end option tango.png I'll come back later.
Talk more option tango.png Show me your services.
Talk end option tango.png I'll come back later.