User:Viktor Saraphim/Template/CharacterBio

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Namless Schmuck
Any tango icon 48px.png
This character is a Nobody.
Any tango icon 48px.png
This character is a Freak.
This character is a Eunich.
00 This character is level 0.
Nameless Schmuck
It's a secret.
I'm sorry, I forgot my profession. I can't really answer this question if I can't remember that much.
It's a secret.
I don't have enough of a personality to answer this question.
It's a secret.
I'm a freak and I'd rather not talk about myself.
It's a secret.
Go away.
It's a secret.
Seriously, just leave me alone already.

It's a secret.
This character is a member of the general populace.

It's a secret.
This character is 12 years and 97 days old.

USAGE NOTE: This is a fully customizable Template.
If you do not wish to change a particular styling please remove the line of code. (e.g. If you don't want to change the float settings, remove the line.)

| Name = 
| Profession = 
| ShortProf =  <!-- E, En, G, M, N, R, T, W -->
| Race = 
| Gender = 
| Lvl = 
| DoC =  <!-- Date of creation, YYYYMMDD -->
| Order =  <!-- Order of Whispers, Vigil, Durmond Priory -->
| Bio-prof = 
| Bio-personality = 
| Bio-race1 = 
| Bio-race2 = 
| Bio-race3 = 
| Profile-img =  <!-- a picture of your character -->
| cbx-bdsize =  <!-- Character box border size in px, default 1 -->
| cbx-bdtype =  <!-- Character box border type, default solid -->
| cbx-bdcol =  <!-- Character box border color, default {{Any-color|dark}} -->
| nfont =  <!-- font-family for the character name, default Lucida Handwriting -->
| nftsize =  <!-- font size for character name in %, default 300 -->