Free Sentinels from Branded crystals and escort them back to the main group

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Free Sentinels from Branded crystals and escort them back to the main group

Interactive map

Interactive map

Free Sentinels from Branded crystals and escort them back to the main group is a level 58 event that takes place within the Iron Marches as part of the Devouring the Brand meta event. It begins at the Wreckage of Day's Labor in Crystalwept Groves and ends in Obsidian Run.


  • Sentinels rescued: x/6


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 5,866 Experience.png 279 Karma 65 Copper coin
Silver 4,986 Experience.png 238 Karma 55 Copper coin
Bronze 4,399 Experience.png 210 Karma 49 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 58 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event starts
Sentinel Whiptail: No disrespect intended, Centurion, but this is what half the warband died for? This hunk of junk village?
Centurion Bloodfist: In this wardband, we take our objectives one at a time! You carry out your orders, and if you live, I'll give you new ones. Understood?
Sentinel Whiptail: Yes, Centurion. Victory at any cost!
Centurion Bloodfist: Good. Now, raise the flag. Hopefully there are still some warbands operating in this area.
Centurion Bloodfist: If we can rally enough bodies, I'll tell you what to do next.
Sentinel freed
Sentinel: Thank you for your help.
Sentinel: Thanks. I mean it.
Sentinel: Thanks for the help.
Sentinel: Thanks. I owe you one.
Sentinel: Thanks for the hand.
Event completed
Centurion Bloodfist: Damn. I thought we'd find more sentinels out here. It'll have to do.
Sentinel Whiptail: So what's the plan, Centurion?
Centurion Bloodfist: Get everyone in formation. I'll brief you en route.