Escort Agent Rexx as he delivers supplies to Warden spy Alarin

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Escort Agent Rexx as he delivers supplies to Warden spy Alarin

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Agent Rexx as he delivers supplies to Warden spy Alarin is a level 5 dynamic event that occurs in Morgan's Spiral. The event will begin with Agent Rexx suddenly falling from above and dying; he will need to be revived by a player for the event to continue.


  • Revive Agent Rexx
  • Agent Rexx
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 364 Experience.png 41 Karma Copper coin
Silver 309 Experience.png 35 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 273 Experience.png 31 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 5 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





When Agent Rexx is revived:

Agent Rexx: All part of the plan. Seriously.

Escort starts:

Agent Rexx: Better follow me.

First wave of Risen spawns:

Agent Rexx: Hostiles are upon us!

When taking damage:

Agent Rexx: Focus on guarding me!

Second wave of Risen spawns:

Agent Rexx: Enemy incoming!

Final wave of Risen spawns:

Agent Rexx: An attack is imminent.

Upon completion:

Agent Rexx: We've arrived.