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Defeat the djinn holding Explorer Flynn captive and help him escape the cave

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Defeat the djinn holding Explorer Flynn captive and help him escape the cave

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the djinn holding Explorer Flynn captive and help him escape the cave is an event that occurs in the Lair of Zommoros.


  • Djinn defeated: x/4
  • Champion Elder Fire Djinn
  • Event bar.jpgEvent boss (tango icon).png
  • Explorer Flynn
  • Event bar.jpgEvent shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Once enough artifacts have been collected, four Veteran Djinns will appear and attempt to hold Flynn captive. After they are cleared, a Champion Elder Fire Djinn will spawn and chase Flynn toward the cave exit. Defeat it to complete the event.







Event start
Explorer Flynn: This is perfect. Now I just need to catalog them.
Veteran Air Djinn: You dare steal from this place? Your presence is forbidden. The price will be your head.
Explorer Flynn: Help! Get me out of here! I'm trapped!
Upon defeating the 4 djinn
Explorer Flynn: At last, I can move! I'm free!
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: Your transgressions come with a heavy price. You will pay with your lives.
Explorer Flynn: Let's get out of here while we can! Run!
Explorer Flynn: Help! Get me out of here! I'm trapped!
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: You will not escape, mortals.
Explorer Flynn: Help! The djinn! It was just a miscommunication!
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: You must be punished!
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: You had no permission to enter—now you have no permission to leave!
Explorer Flynn: Please! I can't move!
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: I will not relent!
Explorer Flynn: Please, I made a mistake! It was just for research purposes, I swear!
Explorer Flynn: Help! Get me out of here! I'm trapped!
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: This has not yet ended, mortals.
Event success
Explorer Flynn: Gods! That djinn nearly killed me. I'm never doing that again.
Explorer Flynn: But if we did do it again, next time we'd have to be more careful, so as to not disturb the djinn.
Explorer Flynn: Ahem. Anyway...I think it's best we respect their wishes and leave quickly. For now.
Event failure
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: Punishment has been delivered. The price has been paid.
Champion Elder Fire Djinn: Return and you'll never leave.