User talk:Serge Yseron/Archive12

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The silent revolution

It's so obvious, nobody will see it coming. Prototyping for all, and toys r'us on the verge of extinction (daddy made my toys (and respected video games / movies trademarks of course)). Yseron - 21:46, 21 March 2016 (UTC)

The Codex

They are uggly on both side. Let's call it a draw. Yseron - 22:12, 23 March 2016 (UTC)

The visitors are back from the tunnels of TIIIIIMMME !

Now that i think of it, MMO worlds never evolve. In real history, there is a revolution, be it in the domain of fashion or inventions, science and what not. But in MMOs, no, never, it doesnt change, they are frozen in a timeless time line. On the other hand, where millions of people make the real world evolve, a few artists would have to do the same changes, which is impossible.

Anti morosity prescription

Here (what an actress ! now that's talent !). Yseron - 01:24, 28 March 2016 (UTC)

Cleaning up the materials bank

Sometimes you wander among dusty unused things and got funny surprises !
User Serge Yseron cleaning up the materials banks.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 21:35, 28 March 2016 (UTC)

F..cking day

User Serge Yseron legendary bad days.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 09:49, 3 April 2016 (UTC)

The complete list

Take what you will, there is always something to learn from the sayings of the only doomed slave that gods fear. Courtesy of The Man In Black, a piece of wisdom... Yseron - 17:50, 5 April 2016 (UTC)

Legendary Survivor ( Galaxy wide )

The what the critter. Yseron - 23:01, 6 April 2016 (UTC)

PS: I just learned they had babies in space. It's .... depressing. Yseron - 00:30, 9 September 2016 (UTC)

And you what do you think

- The claim
- The debunktrice

- Lars: 0.5 (i believe skilled warriors gave birth to legends by using technics exposed by Lars)
- Debunktrice: 0.5 (i believe truth was a little twisted to help spread Lars video)

So in my book, Anet's bow rapid fire is still a cool skill. Serge Yseron (talk) 18:49, 8 April 2016 (UTC)

Seems i was right :) Yseron - 18:49, 14 April 2016 (UTC)

Where are their superior runes of holding

Thi is the category just below the one of cinema props makers (who have to do the same, but better and in 4 hours). Serge Yseron (talk) 18:07, 15 April 2016 (UTC)

Recommanded at all ages, parents can watch this with their children.

And guys will hate me for showing this to their girlfriends... Serge Yseron (talk) 20:23, 16 April 2016 (UTC)

La Moulinette de l'Amour

In french, we call it "La Moulinette De l'Amour" (The Mill Of Love).

Unstoppable, this noble move carry with it the magic of the Gods themselves who gave it as a gift to the mortals of this world so that love may always triumph. This powerfull move take its root deep from within the heart, slowly rise like a wild horse fighting against the dunes, soon becomes a fearsome avalanche that stop the course of the stars, and then the dragon roaring at the frontier of the hearth and the eternal Above, home of its creators who will answer The Call.
Serge Yseron (talk) 20:29, 19 April 2016 (UTC)

When i will be growned up

I will be WvW surgeon ! Serge Yseron (talk) 18:24, 25 April 2016 (UTC)

Countdown (i told him that the original serie was impossible to put on screen, and i already regret it... hard)

Dynamite in the ass so volunteers are very motivated: check
Black sphere with very unfair scoring: check
Private party where all the VIPs die: check
It's back, you are in ? (anyway that's the theory) 21:33, 1 May 2016 (UTC)

WvW lag, a new perspective

With Dragon Brand, Yack Bend, and us: Blackgate we enjoyed some hyer massive 3 ways without ever lagin as hard than during today's (failed) attack on our keep. We now have had enough experience to verify that this is always the same server that cause such lags (with half the numbers of DB+YB): that is to say TC. But why and how ? Yseron - 23:52, 9 May 2016 (UTC)

The cutest bloopers

i've ever seen :) It also made me realize how they werent so different from us today when they werent over acting in front of a camera. Yseron - 23:34, 17 May 2016 (UTC)

And to think

That one day these things will have guns... Yseron - 19:53, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

Seems like it will happen...

And if it does, maybe our children wont have to enter the Nasa to find space related jobs 2 decades from now. I recognize that the first matter at hand is Earth (there are no other booty like her thousand of miles away), but still, i envy those childs for who space will be a more concrete day to day playground. Yseron - 21:05, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

Alien, the begining...

Remember when Ellen Riplay blows up the Nostromo in the very first Alien ? Well guess what, the procedure is in french in the manual while the rest of the instructions are in english ;)

User Serge Yseron in french in the manual.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 23:12, 29 May 2016 (UTC)

New raids ?

This content is non existent from the get-go. Raids LFGs are not for pugs. On top of that i dit not understand the button "buy now" related to the raid news. Yseron - 16:50, 7 June 2016 (UTC)


The time when we had time... Yseron - 18:18, 10 June 2016 (UTC)

To be a BlackGate Commander in WvW

A commander we hadn't seen in a year made its come back to teach a thing or two to the more recent commanders.

We did repell 3 times in a row the assault of TC blob twice our size, without siege weapons while they were using the all nine yards. But since we were cut off from reinforcements we indulged ourselves in one single arrow cart near the end, after the 3rd assault.

Long life to The High Priest Of Ass Kicking.

User Serge Yseron wvw commander.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 23:47, 18 June 2016 (UTC)

Customers 's trust

WvW Black Gate, a brief on the current situation:

- When server booted every one last time, when reconnecting, the whole map had the color of anet server
- We did get server unlinking
- Commanders openly said that anet need a kick in the face
- We trust anet even less than before now
Yseron - 21:02, 25 June 2016 (UTC)

The food of Heros

DINKI-DI ! Yseron - 17:24, 29 June 2016 (UTC)

Remy Gaillard 2016

- The blind man
- Pirates Of Saint LocDu Le Vieux
- Speed Cameras (or how to take pictures with police's money while everyone can speed freely)
Yseron - 18:20, 1 July 2016 (UTC)

Tetris: they did it ! Yseron - 11:44, 30 July 2016 (UTC)

Lynda Carter

There were the punch of the 70s, only mastered by manly men like David Vincent or Steve Mc Queen, wich could throw a 264 lbs alien hidden in an Edgard's suit yards away with a broken rib.

But behold ! I give you:.... Lynda Carter Amazing Spin Technic !

User Serge Yseron lynda carter amazing spin technic of the 70s.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 18:07, 4 July 2016 (UTC)

Pacman on steroids

I think i tought "he 's gonna lose" 20 times or so. But, hey, champs are not champs for nothing... Pac men, staaaart your engines ! Yseron - 18:03, 5 July 2016 (UTC)

Wonder Woman stand alone disco movie in preparation !

Here !. Oh, oops, maybe this one. Oh, here it is !
Well, i lost it... too bad. But you can still google it i think.

Yseron - 19:43, 9 July 2016 (UTC)

Falsely right

...but still funny. Yseron - 00:15, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

The (not so) ancient market of believers

Here. Up till then mathematics were the tools of the few, reserved for construction, military and religion. Maybe be Achimedes would have lived longer if ... Yseron - 15:28, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

When myths become concrete history

They retrieved Erebus in artic waters. Yseron - 17:42, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

Random thoughts on the construction of the pyramids

After watching the discoveries of the construction methods for the coral castles (well, Ed said he would leave clues for the modern idiots to look after his death) i wonder if they werent simply starting pyramids as a giant tripod (or quadri pod in this case), just leaving one apperture on a side of the pyramid for incoming ammunitions as they were leveling it... The only mystery left would then be how to move stones horizontaly, and this is the very first thing archeologists have been able to anwser. Yseron - 20:07, 15 July 2016 (UTC)

Windows 10, the ultimate adverts platform

I'm saddened by the trickeries microsoft keep employing when it comes to its parameters. What frighten me the most is that young people wont even question what they saw in those parameters, and they are supposed to be our futur. I suppose they are too busy to take selfies instead of acting for the good of the greater numbers.

And just so you know, microsoft, if just adding firefox to the task bar made it work again, there is no point pretending that the orginial shortcut dont work any more after upgrading to windows 10, so that modern pigeons launch your internet browser instead of firefox.

And while i am at it, no application - never - ever - "serve" people by presenting ads. But i agree with you, microsoft, people do serve ads, and very often without knowing it, while you take a precentage on those.

You will also have to explain me, microsoft, why the activity led of my internet connection is showing mad activities when i am doing NOTHING that is remotely related to needing an internet connection.

Fucking planet....

Yseron - 08:21, 17 July 2016 (UTC)

After taking time to review what parameters i should disable i ended up with only one parameter being enabled - Yseron - 19:38, 19 July 2016 (UTC)

The Big Denise

Middle Age engineer Mignard's Big Denise. Or "MIIIIGNAAAAAAARD !" depending in which mood you were if you knew him. Yseron - 16:32, 18 July 2016 (UTC)

Mastering design

Things you dont see in the video game industry. Now the funny thing is that while my brother at age 17 was doing miniatures with the same quality with bits of whatever he could find (we had no money but he ended having toys that would have cost 100$ in the early 80s). Today he is an art director / senior 3d modeler in the video game industry while i chose programming in this same industry 20 years ago. Yseron - 19:27, 19 July 2016 (UTC)


To when acquintances were not fake figures in facebook. Carefull, if you are not used to it, it's an energetic "love avalanche". Yseron - 16:51, 20 July 2016 (UTC)



The magnificent disco version

of Sigourney Weaver ! Yseron - 11:46, 29 July 2016 (UTC)

Bonus combo laser weaverness. Yseron - 17:00, 29 July 2016 (UTC)

Cross platform disco

Every once in a while you just cant forgive to consoles like the PS4, whose SDK still did not heard of c++11 and above, along with std libs that include safe versions of memcpy and all that jazz.

User Serge Yseron emul or unix and sony still dont know updated standard libraries.jpg
Serge Yseron (talk) 10:45, 30 July 2016 (UTC)

Design for kids

I thought i would give a shot to "grinding season 3" with another of my charcaters. So i go to Eir house, i do the honor thing but exit one step too early to rata sum. I realize my error,go back to Hoelbrak, and WTF, i got to redo this non sens all over again ! For god sake, anet, we are past the age of these virtual tearful pedantry for 4 years old. Having to do it once is one thing, having to do it evrey time is.... just so you. We dont give a fuck. Yseron - 12:52, 31 July 2016 (UTC)


The best one ever... Yseron - 17:05, 1 August 2016 (UTC)


Sometimes i wonder if what women says about men and size isn't true after all. History's biggest daddy cool for you. Yseron - 22:11, 1 August 2016 (UTC)


This mumbling is destined to children, grown educated adults dont need it

From time to time, you see people on the verge of falling for bad tricks destined to the weak minds. That said, remember that there are sentient beings on earth who still believe that night, for exemple, is a kind of thing during which occult events happen (they never heard of light not being able to pass through some solids).

The case i'm interested in, here, is time travel, the new thrill for those same weak minds.

I'm going to show you the power of logic:
- (alledged) proofs of time travel are always as follow: an anachronisme that took place in the past
- You will never, ever, find a proof of an anachronism from the futur that take place in our present
- Why ? Because nobody would take the risk to craft an imaginary futur that would prove to be wrong when we reach that timeline since we can only invent it based on what we know now. And the hoax would immediately fall apart if you were to hand materials to someone since it would be concrete proof available for examination, instead of a media (picture/video)
- On the other hand, you cant get it wrong by mixing known history with present known facts, technology have never been so appropriate for manipulating images and videos.

If you doubt what i'm saying: good, you are in the right direction. Always question what people tell you. Sometimes people disguise partially the truth, sometimes they hide it completely, sometimes they twist it for their own interest, or just by game. But if you are too lazy to make your own reasearchs and build your own opinion, you are just a hardrive where we can put all the trash in the world.

But what worries me the most,
is that,
those hardrives

...can vote. Yseron - 23:17, 1 August 2016 (UTC)

Disco buns vs disco balls

I say the first one win. Yseron - 18:25, 2 August 2016 (UTC)

This one is just because. Yseron - 18:42, 2 August 2016 (UTC)

Hey, youth !

You like animes ? try THIS !. Yseron - 20:17, 2 August 2016 (UTC)

The paprika parade map:

The paprika parade seems to be composed as follow

- 1a) Head of the train > the dream of having > domestic goods (fridges, TV sets, cars)
- 1b) Just behind > frogs > symbol / inflate as a mean to impress

- 2)Knight hanging from a portal (the only character that dont have any freedom of movement)

- 3a) sea of dolls > the dream of being loved (from what i saw of the anime it seems to be the most difficult to overcome)
- 3b) Just behind > the figures of the father and the mother

- 4a) the dream of power > people in office suits climbing to the top of the chariot
- 4b) Just behind > homeless people

Frame - All along the sides of the parade > authoritative / religious figures, tanks, signposts > the dream of authority


Music. Yseron - 22:58, 2 August 2016 (UTC)

Page loading time

For two days now this specific page takes me 10 secs to load. Something with wiki happening ? Yseron - 07:39, 6 August 2016 (UTC)

Perhaps its the images? (also, I'd suggest using * list item rather than - list item<br>) --BryghtShadow (talk) 11:31, 6 August 2016 (UTC)


When Gertrude Olaf Doteer plays with a ball... Yseron - 17:25, 8 August 2016 (UTC)

I totally see a human husband controlling a wife like this at home... Yseron - 17:34, 8 August 2016 (UTC)

Dirty O'l Man

I told The Psychopath: there, that's what is waiting for you when you go to Valalla. He answered me: you're right, only 3 chicks, i'd better go to the other place, it's hotter. Yseron - 18:09, 8 August 2016 (UTC)

Jackass. Yseron - 18:10, 8 August 2016 (UTC)

Captain Bob

Eternal Cap'tain BOB... Yseron - 12:43, 13 August 2016 (UTC)

So many dreams....

So little time. 99% of us will probably die without knowing what it is like to live in those... Yseron - 21:12, 14 August 2016 (UTC)


Because intelligent people create intelligent tools, while productions-empeding-egos are still trying to save their costly asses at the daily meeting of your average video game studio. Yseron - 22:45, 14 August 2016 (UTC)

Unity analytics helping devs to pin-point a stupidity that cost 20% of revenue to a game company: here. Remember anet sad failure with Dragon stand map crashs just when you are about to loot your final chest ?

Unity put QA first and take actions, anet burry your posts in the forum. Honesty and truth always pay off. What ? you tell me it's unfair to compare anet to Unity ? Everyone is responsible for writing its own un-maintainable code with misnamed variables and thinking that picking tasks based on one's personnal interests is better than preventing a list of small bugs 1250 pages long to happen (probably for the reasons listed above). Now, anet understand that we dont want you to fail, on the contrary: we like(d) guildwars. But there are things we saw so often that we cant really be optimistic with this game. At best, we will never have more than a love-hate relationship with your title. Yseron - 23:45, 14 August 2016 (UTC)

Maybe he 's not a god, but it's always interesting to ear what he have to say (John Jesus Carmack Christ). Because guys who focus mainly on practical things that actually work cant be that bad. Yseron - 12:23, 16 August 2016 (UTC)

Long swords

In reality there are 2 different contexts. The later one forced soldats to focus on technics to make enemies lose balance when they started to wear full body armors. But without further ado, here is why if one day we get back to swords, most of us will be walking punching ball for a minority of well trained people. Yseron - 02:00, 15 August 2016 (UTC)


You are twenty something. You probably still think that everything you got, you deserved it, without ever having to work for it, like good shape and health, a good home, paid studies etc. Yet, some of you did grow a brain by being more curious and more caring for your neighbors and your anvironment. To those here is a warning of the most difficult challenge you will ever face in your adult life. The careerist who prefer to doom humanity to justify its usurped psotition, by fear that efficient and economically viable solutions may reveal him and destroy the empire of lies he built to ensure him and his friends will always receive huge amount of moneys to launch through the window. Ask an adult, our history is full of it, as well as The history. Yseron - 16:57, 16 August 2016 (UTC)


Usually, only hollywood blockbusters are used as a bait in youtube. Now i have to see the 1951 version of The Thing. Yseron - 19:59, 16 August 2016 (UTC)

Ok, i saw it. To my surprise, it's better than most modern movies. The pace and the design of the movie is incredibly modern for a 1951 movie. No tricks like the fool lady falling in the middle of a run, the impersonated characters are all believable, the suspens is not built upon retarded behaviiors. The g-counter is straight from Alien 2. And the lady... you dont see ladies like this anymore. Only a female actor, 6 years after the second world war, can shoot a scene without screaming where a guy launch a bucket of gazoline on a matress on fire while she is holding it in front of her. You got to see the scene to understand the courage of wwii women....just for a movie... Yseron - 21:49, 16 August 2016 (UTC)

Rigolus Debilitus Profundicus

I thought i would give another shot to the forsaken thicket raid but nothing has changed.
1) The world grand guru leader says i'm tank (for whatever reason anet decided to make you the chased by saying "toughness will boost condi damages but the leader will always ask this guy to be tank") and i am to stand at the green arrow he droped in the map, Media:User Serge Yseron the most useless abilities i was ever given.jpg.
2) He asked me if i understand
3) I say i understand
4) Grand guru leader ask if everyone is ready
5) I say what if a green circle appear under the green arrow you told me to stay at ?
6) Grand guru world leader ask why i'm not ready
7) I click ready
8) A green circle appear under the green arrow i was told to stand by
9) They dont go in the green circle
10) World grand guru leader kick me

Sometimes i think Stupidity Universalis is what carry anet along with this type of guys. Yseron - 20:46, 17 August 2016 (UTC)

Anet problem, right here

Tu l'as cherché ta baffe, Olson - English: You asked for it, Olson. Now we have the proof that they take us for amoebas. Be proud, "customers". Yseron - 23:40, 17 August 2016 (UTC)

Tech revolutions

Remember the Tyria map. Now remember that these maps are part of a planet. Now remember that a planet is part of a solar system. Now remember that a solar system is part of a galaxy. Now watch this until the player hit the ground and, if you did not yet pass out, tell me if at any point in time, you saw a loading screen.

Make no mistake: - It IS a mmo. - It supports VR.

Those of you who experienced the HTC VIVE VR headset know what i'm talking about, isn't it ? We all remember when we thought it was just another expensive useless gadget, don't we ? You know of what fevered dreams i'm talking about dont you :) You still remember what it is to REALLY be in an alien movie, dont you ?

Yseron - 00:13, 22 August 2016 (UTC)

The ballad Of Jack

Now this is the kind of wife that make you leave every thing. Next thing you know, you're in Orr, thinking it was the best idea you ever had. Ask Jack. If you too you know a Jack, pay him a drink from time to time, he deserves it. Yseron - 00:11, 23 August 2016 (UTC)

WvW got better over time

Remember when... And when... Yseron - 21:16, 23 August 2016 (UTC)

Players on vacations ?

I tracked the events on GW2 timer but nobody showed up. Players are on vacations or what today ?

The Travelling Matchsticks

Out of curiosity i watched a 1940 Sherlock Holmes theater movie involving a micro film hidden in a box of matchsticks. The twist is almost predictable for our modern eyes but yet you can feel how innovative it was for people discovering this movie at the time. The scenario plays with it, making the matchsticks go from one hand to another, each character not knowing that what they are searching for is in front of them. In a breath taking scene (thanks to the good actors of that time) the matchsticks switch hands 10 times. Not a must see as whole movie, but some interesting scenes like the one i just mentioned. And a lesson on courtesy and how to treat ladies is always welcomed. Yseron - 20:50, 24 August 2016 (UTC)

Kevin discover the noisy machine

Here. Yseron - 13:25, 25 August 2016 (UTC)


Some guys of my country explore the oldest flat of their building, finding pieces that, they dont know it, are worth a few thousand dollars like the 100% well preserved 1900 something jacket. By the way i apologize to the US for the military goods we had found in the attic of our (now destroyed) antic buildings (101 Crs Charlemagne, Lyon, France) when we were kids, but we were just that, kids. We had not the smallest idea of what we had in our hands and got grounded for taking those with us. That said it was only some old empty ammunition boxes from WWii and, some medical equipment and test tube containing 50 years old solidified blood. We also catched a living pigeon that day ! (that's the day i learned that even with almost nothing, you can do anything) Yseron - 22:56, 27 August 2016 (UTC)

Apparently a little more than just a few thousand dollars because the first Plaques Autochromes of the Freres Lumiere - Lyon (we ow them animated images in theaters) were available to the public starting 1907. The plaques they found are from 1900 exactly. The flat have been sealed a few days after the discoveries went online. Yseron - 23:31, 27 August 2016 (UTC)