User:1Maven/Lowest Level Trinkets

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Trinkets (Amulets, Rings and Accessories) are equipment that can enhance your power and survivability. This is especially important for a lower-level character. The sooner you add trinkets to your equipment the faster you will be able to level-up. I am also including Backpieces and Aquatic-headgear in this discussion although they are not strictly trinkets, they appear in the same section of the equipment display.

Trinkets are not available when you start playing. However, they are available much sooner then may be apparent.

The Upgrade Slot in these trinkets can and should be upgraded with an a level-appropriate upgrade component for additional enhancements.


The lowest level Amulet available on the Trading Post is the Level-14 Masterwork Mighty Amulet. Rather the buying this generally overpriced amulet, you may acquire a Level-15 Jeweled Broach or a Recipe: Owl Amulet (Jeweled Broach) from different Renown Heart NPCs in Kessex Hills. Otherwise, several different crafted amulets may be equiped at Level-20.

Note: The Jeweled Broach is Soulbound on acquire, so you cannot make this for another of your characters.


There are three (3) level-10 rings generally available on the trading post. All may be crafted by a jeweler.

However, Level-1 Personal Story Rings are awarded for completing personal story chapters.

Also, at Level-8 you may use the Ascalonian Signet Ring.


There are three (3) level-10 accessories generally available on the trading post. All may be crafted by a jeweler.

However, you may acquire (for 91 karma) or craft a level-5 Enchanted Rock Pendant with +3 Vitality and an unused Upgrade Slot, which is soulbound on acquire. Although Recipe: Enchanted Rock Pendant is listed in the Amulet category, the Enchanted Rock Pendant output item is an accessory and only requires level 5 to equip.

The lowest Level-2 accessories may be obtained from Renown Heart NPCs in their Starting areas after completing the associated task.


Also known as back item, brace, splice and spineguard. The lowest level Backpiece available on the Trading Post is the level-35 Ghostly Spineguard. However, almost every profession (except Cook and Jeweler) may craft a level-1 Simple Backpiece as listed here. It is account bound With a player-selectable stat.

Engineers may obtain a Universal Multitool Pack.

Aquatic headgear[edit]

Also known as breather, Water Filter, Aquatic Helm and Breathing Apparatus. It is the headgear armor your character uses while underwater. It completely replaces all stats of terrestrial headgear, including defensive and rune bonuses. Your character automatically switches between the land and water headgear as needed.

For level-60 and up, this means that if you are making use of the 6th slot of a superior-rune set, that feature will disappear while underwater unless your Aquatic-Headgear is equipped with the identical superior rune.

Access to aquatic weapons and underwater combat is unlocked at level 8. However, Each character is automatically provided an Aqua Breather upon character creation. The level-20 Water Filter is generally available on the Trading Post. However, Aquatic-Headgears are available beginning at level-10 from karma vendors throughout Tyria as given here.

Oddly, if you remove the Aquatic-Headgear while underwater there is no problem "breathing" indefinitely.

Also See[edit]

[[Category:Trinkets|Lowest Level Trinkets]] [[Category:Accessories|Lowest Level Trinkets]] [[Category:Amulets|Lowest Level Trinkets]] [[Category:Rings|Lowest Level Trinkets]] [[Category:Back items|Lowest Level Trinkets]] [[Category:Breathing apparatuses|Lowest Level Trinkets]]