The Viewing Hill

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The Viewing Hill

Point of Interest
Ascalon City Ruins
(Plains of Ashford)
Game link

The Viewing Hill.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Interactive map

The Viewing Hill is a point of interest within the Ascalon City Ruins. This small hill overlooks the ruins. When Ascalon City fell to the charr, Frye Fireburn and his warband, the Fireshadows, were tied to posts on this hill, allowing them to witness the full events that led up to King Adelbern unleashing the Foefire. Today the hill is occupied by Ascalonian ghosts, but a small plinth remains to commemorate Fireburn and his warband.


  • This hill is just east of Althea's Actors Stage from the original Guild Wars. If standing at the exact spot in Pre-Searing Ascalon as the one in the infobox screenshot, you will see the same view (albeit before the Searing), and you will be standing in front of the stage. This would suggest that the Fireshadows were tied to the actual pillars from the stage.