Stop the skelk from throwing cursed wall chunks onto shore

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Stop the skelk from throwing cursed wall chunks onto shore

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop the skelk from throwing cursed wall chunks onto shore is a level 51 event that takes place in Bloodfin Lake.


  • Shadow Skelk morale: x%
  • Rexavian Redfoot
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 4,065 Experience.png 248 Karma 58 Copper coin
Silver 3,455 Experience.png 211 Karma 49 Copper coin
Bronze 3,049 Experience.png 186 Karma 43 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 51 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before the event starts
Rexavian Redfoot: Ouch! Hey, what the...why are they throwing rocks at us?
"Digger" Dirtclaw: Heh, I guess they don't care much for the warband dumping pieces of the wall into that lake.
Ascalonian Fighter: At last! We're free from that watery tomb! Kill the charr! For Ascalon!
Rexavian Redfoot: Great. You go get some help! Everyone else...kill anything that tries to stop you!
During the event
Rexavian Redfoot: Look at those skelk! They're throwing more rocks onto the beach! Kill them!
Event success
Rexavian Redfoot: There, that's the last of 'em.
"Digger" Dirtclaw: This detail stinks.
Rexavian Redfoot: (groan) Maybe we should get to it, so we can finish it up.
"Digger" Dirtclaw: Yeah...not right now.