Stop the dredge divers from constructing mortars at Slough of Despond

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Stop the dredge divers from constructing mortars at Slough of Despond

Interactive map

Interactive map

Stop the dredge divers from constructing mortars at Slough of Despond is a level 77 event that starts in Shattered Ice Floe.


  • Dredge Divers
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event swords (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 15,950 Experience.png 365 Karma 85 Copper coin
Silver 13,558 Experience.png 310 Karma 72 Copper coin
Bronze 11,963 Experience.png 274 Karma 64 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 77 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Veteran Dredge Diving Suit: (cackle) They'll never see us coming. Meddling kodan won't know what's going on until mortar shells are raining down on them.
Veteran Dredge Diving Suit: Get ready, we need to be under the surface as soon as possible.
Veteran Dredge Diving Suit: Carefully, now. Walk along the ocean floor, and we should be able to come up on the other side without being noticed.