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Slay the Great Skelk Regurgitant

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Slay the Great Skelk Regurgitant

Interactive map

Interactive map

Slay the Great Skelk Regurgitant is a level 80 group event that occurs in Teku Nuhoch. From the Teku Nuhoch Waypoint, head south through the underground tunnel, eventually looping east, north, then west towards the lake.


  • Champion Great Skelk Regurgitant
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.
  • Foes that spawn during this event do not drop loot.





Event start
Lore Seeker Zolin: Whoa! That's the biggest skelk I've ever seen!
Lore Seeker Zolin: Skelk can teleport, and I would love to know their secret. That specimen would be a boon to my research.
Lore Seeker Zolin: If you could, would you mind gliding over there and fetching it for me? Cautiously, of course.
Lore Seeker Zolin: You'll need to climb back to the top of the ramp we came down, and then glide over.
Lore Seeker Zolin: Oh, and careful around that water. If the poison doesn't get you, the skelk likely will!
During event
One of the following:
Lore Seeker Zolin: She's regenerating! Remarkable, but you'd be wise to interfere!
Lore Seeker Zolin: That sneaky beast! She teleported above you! Use the ramp to reach her!
Lore Seeker Zolin: On that western outcropping! Glide over there, and show her what you're made of!

Related achievements[edit]


  • Gliding is required to participate, as the Skelk Regurgitant will teleport to areas that can only be reached by gliding.
  • The lake surrounding this event is filled with poison and will slowly kill you if you do not have Itzel Poison Lore Mastery and do not get out of the water; players with the Mastery will be unaffected.
  • Skelk Regurgitant has a 15 minute cooldown from when it was last defeated. Will be unavailable during the Chak Gerent events.