Rescue the kidnapped quaggans before they reach Sipedon Deeps

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Rescue the kidnapped quaggans before they reach Sipedon Deeps

Interactive map

Interactive map

Rescue the kidnapped quaggans before they reach Sipedon Deeps is a level 60 Dynamic event that starts in Mellaggan's Grotto and leads to Sipedon Deeps in Nonmoa Lake. It is part of the Nonmoa Lake meta event.


  • Krait Kidnappers killed: x/4


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 6,520 Experience.png 288 Karma 67 Copper coin
Silver 5,542 Experience.png 245 Karma 57 Copper coin
Bronze 4,890 Experience.png 216 Karma 50 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 60 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.