Rescue the Aqualimit researchers from the krait

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Rescue the Aqualimit researchers from the krait

Fisher's Beach Bend
(Metrica Province)
Event type
Event swords (tango icon).png Dynamic event
Interactive map

Interactive map

Rescue the Aqualimit researchers from the krait is a level 8 dynamic event that occurs in Fisher's Beach Bend within Metrica Province.


  • Krait prisons destroyed: x/3


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 425 Experience.png 54 Karma 12 Copper coin
Silver 362 Experience.png 46 Karma 11 Copper coin
Bronze 319 Experience.png 41 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 8 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.







Event start
Aqualimit Researcher (1): (scream) I'm being trespassed upon!
Aqualimit Researcher (3): I beg your pardon. Desist immediately. Violation! Violation!
Aqualimit Researcher (2): Help! Do something! Erk!
While imprisoned
Aqualimit Researcher (1): Get me out of here!
Aqualimit Researcher (2): You there! Free me from this confinement!
Aqualimit Researcher (3): Unlatch this cage! I must be liberated or I will die.
Event completion
Aqualimit Researcher (1): The time has come to run! Stay behind me!
Back at camp
Aqualimit Leader: You're back! This is wonderful news! Your survival proves the potion's usefulness.
Aqualimit Researcher (2): Don't congratulate yourself. We had to fight our way out! Where were you?
Aqualimit Leader: A rescue attempt would have been unnecessarily risky to our project. Besides, it was assumed that you'd outwit your captors.
Aqualimit Researcher (3): Admit that you left us for eel food!
Aqualimit Leader: That's enough ridiculous talk. Collect yourselves, and return to your vital work.
Aqualimit Researcher (1): I can't believe the chief expects us to shrug this off and return to work.
Aqualimit Researcher (2): But we're so close to perfecting our formula for the aqua boost potion. We can't quit now.
Aqualimit Researcher (3): As much as I dislike him, it would be foolish to quit now.
Aqualimit Researcher (1): (sigh) I suppose you're right.


One of the Aqualimit Researchers can appear outside of his cage.
Players can take damage from the Javelin Toss attack that the krait use to kidnap researchers.
  1. One of the Peacemaker Officers near Rana Landing Complex Waypoint in Voloxian Passage.
  2. The Aqualimit Leader at his krewe's research camp in Fisher's Beach Bend.