Protect the Revered Terebinth gardeners

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Protect the Revered Terebinth gardeners

Interactive map

Interactive map

Protect the Revered Terebinth gardeners is a level 17 dynamic event that occurs in Nemeton Grove.


  • Gardeners alive: x/3
  • Nightmare Court morale: xx%


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 682 Experience.png 95 Karma 22 Copper coin
Silver 580 Experience.png 81 Karma 19 Copper coin
Bronze 512 Experience.png 71 Karma 17 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 17 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Nightmare Defiler: This great and ancient tree now stands in the shadow of the Nightmare Court.
Nightmare Corruptor: And let all those who claim otherwise be bled into the soil.
Nightmare Defiler: And let their screams nourish this tree.
Gardener Marithelle: Don't let the Nightmare Court befoul this tree!
Upon success
Gardener Marithelle: Our efforts will be rewarded by the sweet fruit that falls from our tree.