Help Farmhand Paris collect apples for Eda's famous pies

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Help Farmhand Paris collect apples for Eda's famous pies

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Farmhand Paris collect apples for Eda's famous pies is a level 4 dynamic event that takes place in Shaemoor Fields.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 344 Experience.png 36 Karma Copper coin
Silver 293 Experience.png 31 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 258 Experience.png 27 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 4 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






During the event
Farmer Eda: Hit the trees and make them shake! How else are you going to get the apples down? Oh, and watch out for spiders!
Once enough apples have been collected
Farmhand Paris: I'll take what you have, but we're almost out of time.
Event success
Farmhand Paris: It all worked out, and I didn't have to go in. Success!
Farmer Eda: Yes, we've done it! Pie makes everything better.
