Guard the mossheart carrying Widd's research

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Guard the mossheart carrying Widd's research

Interactive map

Interactive map

Guard the mossheart carrying Widd's research is a level 11 dynamic event that starts in Mabon Market and ends in Trader's Green. Researcher Widd needs help defending the caravan carrying his research on skritt to Chief Dekkti.


  • Veteran Mossheart Caravan
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 497 Experience.png 68 Karma 16 Copper coin
Silver 423 Experience.png 58 Karma 13 Copper coin
Bronze 373 Experience.png 51 Karma 12 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 11 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





When event starts:

Researcher Widd: This foliaged monstrosity knows the way. Protect my work!

Halfway to Trader's Green:

Apprentice Genna: I've never seen the skritt so intent on stopping something. Is the shipment intact?
Apprentice Genna: Well, the cargo seems secure. You should get going; the krewe leader isn't very patient.

Upon success:

Chief Dekkti: Why in Vekk's name was the M.A.D. active for the trip here? It's impressive you made it intact.
Chief Dekkti: (laugh) Well, at least it's here. Vee! Get rid of this overgrown tree.
Chief Dekkti: Follow me! It's time for a scientific breakthrough!


  • This event fails if the mossheart dies.
  • The Skritt Saboteurs carrying bombs are marked with Event swords (tango icon).png on the minimap.
  • The bombs will damage both allied and enemy creatures upon exploding.
  • This event will repeat until it succeeds.