Doomsayer Senug

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Doomsayer Senug is a resident of the Ascalon Settlement who speaks of gloomy things.




Hear my words, child. Repent and be saved! Your wasteful existence in this world will be at an end soon. I am a messenger, sent to impart this news so you may be safe in Grenth's embrace.
Dignity Can't you see you're scaring these good people?
They need to be afraid. Fear will bring them to the truth. They must beg the gods for forgiveness. Their fear will be the conduit of their prayers and the link to their salvation.
Talk end option tango.png That's despicable.
Talk more option tango.png I don't need your insanity.
You poor, blind soul. Of course, you need salvation. Do not squander this opportunity like so many before you. The sand is draining from the hourglass, my child. Your time grows short.
Ferocity Are you threatening me?
Your blasphemed existence is the threat. Your soul is in jeopardy without the gods' blessing. If you do not ask for forgiveness, your soul will wither and die in the Mists.
Talk end option tango.png You're insane. Leave me alone.
Talk end option tango.png I'm leaving.
Talk end option tango.png I'm good. Thanks.