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Defeat the Awakened Wanderer

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Defeat the Awakened Wanderer

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the Awakened Wanderer is a level 80 hero challenge event that occurs in the Poisoned Outcrops.


  • Awakened Wanderer
  • Event bar.jpgEvent fist (tango icon).png
  • Time limit: 10:00




Before accepting the fight
Awakened Wanderer: King Joko, have you forgotten us? Your people falter without your rule.
Upon accepting the fight
Awakened Wanderer: I don't know who I am anymore. Give me a challenge. Help me remember.
During the fight
Awakened Wanderer: I feel strong. I feel alive!
After the fight
Awakened Wanderer: Thank you. You've helped me find some of the strength I thought I'd lost.