Defeat the Ascalonian soldier, Armsman Pitney

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Defeat the Ascalonian soldier, Armsman Pitney

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the Ascalonian soldier, Armsman Pitney is a level 6 event that occurs under Old Duke's Estate, inside of Barradin's Vaults, as part of the Battle in the Vault meta event.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 601 Experience.png 45 Karma 10 Copper coin
Silver 511 Experience.png 39 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 451 Experience.png 34 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 6 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.




Armsman Pitney: After what you did to Ashford, you'll get no quarter from the likes of me.
Summoning Ascalonian Archers
Armsman Pitney: We've no choice but to drive these charr devils back to where they came from. Archers, to the flanks!
Event completed
Armsman Pitney: I die better than you live.
