Capture ghosts for Jenk Cutspecter using his ghost collector

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Capture ghosts for Jenk Cutspecter using his ghost collector

Interactive map

Interactive map

Capture ghosts for Jenk Cutspecter using his ghost collector is a level 6 dynamic event that occurs in Old Duke's Estate near Temperus Point.


  • Repository Capacity
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Foefire Amulet.png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 601 Experience.png 45 Karma 10 Copper coin
Silver 511 Experience.png 39 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 451 Experience.png 34 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 6 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Event start
Jenk Cutspecter: I'm ready to test these bad boys out. I just need some volunteers.
Kryxx Fizzleban: You mean you don't keep disposable lab assistants at hand? What kind of inventor are you?
Jenk Cutspecter: I don't have to take this abuse from you. I've got hundreds of ghosts dying to abuse me.
During event
Jenk Cutspecter: Hey! You can't catch a ghost without these collecotrs. Come over here, and I'll give you one.
Event success
Jenk Cutspecter: Success! I don't think the temporary receptacle will hold any more.
Jenk Cutspecter: Now, for phase two. Once we transfer these ghosts into the iron containment unit, they'll be trapped forever.
At Exterminatus HQ
Jenk Cutspecter: Okay, I just need to dump these ghosts into the iron containment unit and...success! We win!


  • Many of the weapon slots and comments related to this event are influenced heavily from the movie series Ghostbusters.